1、At the same time, constant engine speed stabilizes output displacement of hydraulic pump and then stabilizes travel speed and vibratory frequency in turn, so that compaction quality is increased.───同时,发动机转速的恒定也使液压泵输出排量稳定,进而保证了行走速度和振动频率的稳定,提高了压实质量。
2、The compaction constant is 1.0 for a completely compacted formation and less than 1.6 for an uncompacted formation.───对于完全压实的地层,压实常数为1.0;未压实的地层,压实常数小于1.6。
compaction constant(意思翻译)
compaction constant(相似词语短语)
2、compaction syndrome───紧实综合征
3、compaction meaning───压实意义
5、constant repetition───不断重复
6、compaction range───压实范围
7、compaction definition───压实度定义
8、attenuation constant───[物]衰减常量;减幅常数;衰减[减幅]常数
9、calorimeter constant───量热计常数
compaction constant(双语使用场景)
1、At the same time, constant engine speed stabilizes output displacement of hydraulic pump and then stabilizes travel speed and vibratory frequency in turn, so that compaction quality is increased.───同时,发动机转速的恒定也使液压泵输出排量稳定,进而保证了行走速度和振动频率的稳定,提高了压实质量。
2、The compaction constant is 1.0 for a completely compacted formation and less than 1.6 for an uncompacted formation.───对于完全压实的地层,压实常数为1.0;未压实的地层,压实常数小于1.6。