1、Night thas been deep, not static, count the stars, I think of you, endless summer nights, blessing SMS cool, small, love deeply, say goodnight, wish you a good dream!───夜已深,人未静,数着星辰,想到了你,夏夜漫漫,祝福清凉,短信小小,情谊深深,道声晚安,祝君好梦到天明!
2、I believe in endless summer nights with good friends and feeling fine───我相信在无尽的夏季夜晚与好朋友开怀
3、the people who live in this land of winter snow and endless summer nights are warm and genuine───居住在这片冬日飘雪和夏夜无边的土地上的人们,热情而真诚。
4、I remember every moment of those endless summer nights───我仍记得这些无尽的夏夜中每一瞬间
endless summer nights(意思翻译)
endless summer nights(相似词语短语)
1、endless summer───无尽的夏天
2、endless hours───无尽的时间
4、first nights───首夜演出;初次演出;n.首夜演出( first night的名词复数 )
5、school nights───上学的晚上
7、arabian nights───n.天方夜谭,一千零一夜的故事;一千零一夜(书名,又名天方夜谭);不真实的故事
8、endless chain───无穷尽的结;[公路]循环链;无端环链
9、windy nights───英文诗翻译
endless summer nights(双语使用场景)
1、Night thas been deep, not static, count the stars, I think of you, endless summer nights, blessing SMS cool, small, love deeply, say goodnight, wish you a good dream!───夜已深,人未静,数着星辰,想到了你,夏夜漫漫,祝福清凉,短信小小,情谊深深,道声晚安,祝君好梦到天明!
2、I believe in endless summer nights with good friends and feeling fine───我相信在无尽的夏季夜晚与好朋友开怀
3、the people who live in this land of winter snow and endless summer nights are warm and genuine───居住在这片冬日飘雪和夏夜无边的土地上的人们,热情而真诚。
4、I remember every moment of those endless summer nights───我仍记得这些无尽的夏夜中每一瞬间