1、with the onset of sars , the force fleet and drivers were able to mobilise immediately in support of health authorities quarantine measures.───沙士袭港期间,警队车辆及司机随时候命出动,支援WeiShengBu门的检疫措施。
2、Past experience shows that quarantine measures and embargoes on the movement of people and goods are unnecessary.───以往的经验表明,不必要采取检疫措施并对人员和货物流动加以禁止。
3、Prompt report of outbreaks and implementation of quarantine measures are the key factors to the effectiveness of control.───疫情报告是否及时、病例隔离措施是否落实是影响疫情处理效果的关键因素。
4、This article has become a very important scientific base for drafting inspection and quarantine measures about American porcine cartilage.───该报告已经成为我国制定进口美国猪软骨检疫措施的重要科学依据。
5、further enhance entry-exit health inspection and quarantine measures based upon the epidemic situation development.───检疫措施,进一步加大口岸疫病防控力度。
6、So far, none are known to have symptoms, but the officials said they were 'persuading them to take quarantine measures.───迄今为止,还没有人出现流感症状,但中国WeiShengBu门官员说,正在劝说这些人接受隔离观察。
7、She has resisted criticising countries, including China, for tough quarantine measures and pork bans that clash with her agency's advice.───她拒绝批评采取严厉检疫措施和下达猪肉进口禁令 (W H O)的中国等国家。
8、be an inevitable trend to adopt universally the standardized quarantine measures and PRA.───检疫措施的标准化及PRA的普遍采用是必然趋势。
9、Quarantine measures separate people from the general population if there are worries that they could be infectious.───隔离意味着如果怀疑一些人感染了病毒,要将他们从大众中分离出来。
quarantine measures(英语使用场景)
1、Interval between first case and the reported date, quarantine measures, category of disease and transmission route were the influencing factors to the effectiveness of control.
2、Hong Kong has asked the US Department of Health and Human Services to improve quarantine measures at points of exit to reduce imported cases elsewhere.
quarantine measures(意思翻译)
quarantine measures(相似词语短语)
1、safety measures───[安全]安全措施;安全措施,安全规程
3、extreme measures───[电影]活死人档案;极端措施;活死人档案 (Extreme Measures)
4、tape measures───卷尺(等于tapeline);n.卷尺( tape measure的名词复数 )
5、austerity measures───财政紧缩措施,紧缩措施;[财政]紧缩措施
6、desperate measures───亡命之计(电影名);[电影]亡命之计
7、cognition measures───认知测量
8、comprehensiveness measures───综合性措施
9、measures synonym───度量同义词
quarantine measures(双语使用场景)
1、with the onset of sars , the force fleet and drivers were able to mobilise immediately in support of health authorities quarantine measures.───沙士袭港期间,警队车辆及司机随时候命出动,支援WeiShengBu门的检疫措施。
2、Past experience shows that quarantine measures and embargoes on the movement of people and goods are unnecessary.───以往的经验表明,不必要采取检疫措施并对人员和货物流动加以禁止。
3、Prompt report of outbreaks and implementation of quarantine measures are the key factors to the effectiveness of control.───疫情报告是否及时、病例隔离措施是否落实是影响疫情处理效果的关键因素。
4、This article has become a very important scientific base for drafting inspection and quarantine measures about American porcine cartilage.───该报告已经成为我国制定进口美国猪软骨检疫措施的重要科学依据。
5、further enhance entry-exit health inspection and quarantine measures based upon the epidemic situation development.───检疫措施,进一步加大口岸疫病防控力度。
6、So far, none are known to have symptoms, but the officials said they were 'persuading them to take quarantine measures.───迄今为止,还没有人出现流感症状,但中国WeiShengBu门官员说,正在劝说这些人接受隔离观察。
7、She has resisted criticising countries, including China, for tough quarantine measures and pork bans that clash with her agency's advice.───她拒绝批评采取严厉检疫措施和下达猪肉进口禁令 (W H O)的中国等国家。
8、be an inevitable trend to adopt universally the standardized quarantine measures and PRA.───检疫措施的标准化及PRA的普遍采用是必然趋势。
9、Quarantine measures separate people from the general population if there are worries that they could be infectious.───隔离意味着如果怀疑一些人感染了病毒,要将他们从大众中分离出来。
quarantine measures(英语使用场景)
1、Interval between first case and the reported date, quarantine measures, category of disease and transmission route were the influencing factors to the effectiveness of control.
2、Hong Kong has asked the US Department of Health and Human Services to improve quarantine measures at points of exit to reduce imported cases elsewhere.