1、I often ride a bike in the park and swim in the swimming pool. what about yours? yours …───我经常在公园里骑自行车,在游泳池游泳。 你呢? 你的; …
2、Leanyer Recreation Park in Darwin is just one example, with three large water slides (including a 124m-long raft ride) and a water playground and pool – all completely free.───北领地首府达尔文市的林依尔休闲公园就拥有三座大型滑水道(包括一个124米长的漂流水道),还有水上乐园和泳池。 ——这些都是免费的。
pool ride(意思翻译)
pool ride(相似词语短语)
1、pool floaties───游泳池浮标
2、pool into───汇集到
5、pool man───台球运动员
6、skimmer pool───撇渣池
7、baptismal pool───洗礼池
8、playing pool───n.水球场
9、dead pool───死侍(美国漫威漫画旗下反英雄)
pool ride(双语使用场景)
1、I often ride a bike in the park and swim in the swimming pool. what about yours? yours …───我经常在公园里骑自行车,在游泳池游泳。 你呢? 你的; …
2、Leanyer Recreation Park in Darwin is just one example, with three large water slides (including a 124m-long raft ride) and a water playground and pool – all completely free.───北领地首府达尔文市的林依尔休闲公园就拥有三座大型滑水道(包括一个124米长的漂流水道),还有水上乐园和泳池。 ——这些都是免费的。