1、I put on the golden dawn for clothes, enjoy the blue stage, dancing lightly, rotate, flash, contend the release.───我披上晨光给予的金色衣裳,在蓝色舞台尽情翩然起舞,旋转闪烁,怡然释放。
2、Speaking from the age of skilled workers is a golden stage.───从年龄上讲是一个技术工人的黄金阶段。
3、Wearing a golden and shinning skirt, Mary appeared on the glorious stage.───玛丽穿着一条闪闪发光的金色裙子出现在舞台上。
4、The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, lit by thousands of candles floating overhead.───长长的饭桌消失了,沿着一面墙出现了一个镀金的舞台,由上空飘浮的几百支蜡烛照耀着。
5、The adolescent is the golden stage of physical maturity.───青少年是身体生长发育的旺盛时期。
golden stage(意思翻译)
golden stage(相似词语短语)
1、trial stage───试用阶段;[法] 审判阶段
2、golden sknon───金斯克农
5、golden parachute───金降落伞;黄金降落伞;金降落伞(黄金保护伞); 金降落伞,高级职员去职补偿费
6、golden age───n.黄金时代,全盛时期;鼎盛时期
7、stage manager───n.舞台监督
8、stage name───n.演员的艺名
9、stage by stage───adv.逐步地,一步一步地;分阶段地
golden stage(双语使用场景)
1、I put on the golden dawn for clothes, enjoy the blue stage, dancing lightly, rotate, flash, contend the release.───我披上晨光给予的金色衣裳,在蓝色舞台尽情翩然起舞,旋转闪烁,怡然释放。
2、Speaking from the age of skilled workers is a golden stage.───从年龄上讲是一个技术工人的黄金阶段。
3、Wearing a golden and shinning skirt, Mary appeared on the glorious stage.───玛丽穿着一条闪闪发光的金色裙子出现在舞台上。
4、The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, lit by thousands of candles floating overhead.───长长的饭桌消失了,沿着一面墙出现了一个镀金的舞台,由上空飘浮的几百支蜡烛照耀着。
5、The adolescent is the golden stage of physical maturity.───青少年是身体生长发育的旺盛时期。