hand nail cream(意思翻译)
hand nail cream(相似词语短语)
1、sardonyx fire hand cream───sardonyx防火护手霜
2、foetus nail───胎儿指甲
3、creme mains hand cream───护手霜
4、hand cream───护手霜;润手香脂
6、nail clipper───指甲钳;指甲夹;指甲刀
7、ecchymotic nail───瘀斑指甲
8、body hand cream───身体护手霜
9、stub nail───n.短粗的钉,旧马蹄钉
hand nail cream(双语使用场景)
1、In the 'nails a rest day , first eliminate the use of nail polish except oil, then add cream or nail oil content of more paint on hand cream, glycerine, etc. , gently massage the finger.───在‘指甲休息日”,要先用除油液消掉指甲油,然后抹上指甲膏或含油量较多的搽手膏、GanYou等,轻柔地按摩指头。
hand nail cream(意思翻译)
hand nail cream(相似词语短语)
1、sardonyx fire hand cream───sardonyx防火护手霜
2、foetus nail───胎儿指甲
3、creme mains hand cream───护手霜
4、hand cream───护手霜;润手香脂
6、nail clipper───指甲钳;指甲夹;指甲刀
7、ecchymotic nail───瘀斑指甲
8、body hand cream───身体护手霜
9、stub nail───n.短粗的钉,旧马蹄钉
hand nail cream(双语使用场景)
1、In the 'nails a rest day , first eliminate the use of nail polish except oil, then add cream or nail oil content of more paint on hand cream, glycerine, etc. , gently massage the finger.───在‘指甲休息日”,要先用除油液消掉指甲油,然后抹上指甲膏或含油量较多的搽手膏、GanYou等,轻柔地按摩指头。