life alerting(意思翻译)
life alerting(相似词语短语)
1、social life───社交生活,社会生活;n.社会生活; 社交生活
2、his life───他的生活
3、alerting service───最新资料快报
4、teenage life───青少年生活
5、low life for life───低贱的生活
6、life me───我的生活
8、life is life───生活就是生活
9、life moment───生命时刻
life alerting(双语使用场景)
1、Al has put his heart and soul, and much of his life during the past several years, into alerting and educating us all on the climate crisis.───Al Gore在过去几年殚心积虑,全身心地投入对公众关于气候危机的警示和教育中。
life alerting(意思翻译)
life alerting(相似词语短语)
1、social life───社交生活,社会生活;n.社会生活; 社交生活
2、his life───他的生活
3、alerting service───最新资料快报
4、teenage life───青少年生活
5、low life for life───低贱的生活
6、life me───我的生活
8、life is life───生活就是生活
9、life moment───生命时刻
life alerting(双语使用场景)
1、Al has put his heart and soul, and much of his life during the past several years, into alerting and educating us all on the climate crisis.───Al Gore在过去几年殚心积虑,全身心地投入对公众关于气候危机的警示和教育中。