1、Between each national and local contact is getting more and more close.───各个国家和地区之间的交往越来越密切。
2、First, the use of flat face wood tee, the ball holder was a little lower, this could make the sweet spot is the local contact with the ball.───使用扁平杆面木杆开球时,球架得要低一点儿,这样可以使甜蜜点正当地接触到球。
3、Well, the local contact I met through a mutual friend was leaving her job as a fellowship program manager.───恩,我托朋友认识的当地的担保人正打算辞掉她的培训师经理职位。
4、Good communication skill with local contact and overseas Companies; 4.───良好的与本地联系者和海外公司的沟通技巧;
5、Step 1: Create a new local contact.───步骤1:创建新的本地联系人。
6、With the client in online mode, switch back to the contact Sample application to verify that the new local contact now appears as shown in figure 8.───客户机处于联机模式下时,切换回Contact Sample应用程序来确认已显示新的本地联系人,如图8所示。
7、Drake has secured a local contact to show him around Hong Kong, where he will spend a year as part of his degree.───德雷克则认识了一位香港学员,这位同学将带他到当地四处转转。作为学位课程的一部分,他将在香港学习一年。
local contact(英语使用场景)
1、The Domino Web Access client performs name resolution against the usera ?s local contact list and any directories configured for use on the usera ?s mail server via Directory Assistance.
local contact(意思翻译)
local contact(相似词语短语)
1、local game───本地游戏
2、local color───乡土特色;地域色彩(等于localcolour);n.(文艺作品等的)地方特色,乡土色彩
4、local time───[天]当地时间;n.当地时间
5、local show───本地演出
6、local colour───独特色,专属色(如嘴唇的红色);专属色;地方色彩
8、local events───当地的事件;当地的活动
9、local dimming───区域调光
local contact(双语使用场景)
1、Between each national and local contact is getting more and more close.───各个国家和地区之间的交往越来越密切。
2、First, the use of flat face wood tee, the ball holder was a little lower, this could make the sweet spot is the local contact with the ball.───使用扁平杆面木杆开球时,球架得要低一点儿,这样可以使甜蜜点正当地接触到球。
3、Well, the local contact I met through a mutual friend was leaving her job as a fellowship program manager.───恩,我托朋友认识的当地的担保人正打算辞掉她的培训师经理职位。
4、Good communication skill with local contact and overseas Companies; 4.───良好的与本地联系者和海外公司的沟通技巧;
5、Step 1: Create a new local contact.───步骤1:创建新的本地联系人。
6、With the client in online mode, switch back to the contact Sample application to verify that the new local contact now appears as shown in figure 8.───客户机处于联机模式下时,切换回Contact Sample应用程序来确认已显示新的本地联系人,如图8所示。
7、Drake has secured a local contact to show him around Hong Kong, where he will spend a year as part of his degree.───德雷克则认识了一位香港学员,这位同学将带他到当地四处转转。作为学位课程的一部分,他将在香港学习一年。
local contact(英语使用场景)
1、The Domino Web Access client performs name resolution against the usera ?s local contact list and any directories configured for use on the usera ?s mail server via Directory Assistance.