1、Born in Crumlin, Dublin to parents Bridget and Paddy, he was one of 13 surviving children (out of 22 born) in a Catholic family.───布朗生在都柏林的克拉姆林,一个TianZhu教家庭。双亲布里吉特和帕蒂共生育了22个孩子,其中13个活了下来。
2、I caught the next plane to Dublin.───我赶上了下一班飞机去都柏林。
3、Dublin Airport Authority spokesman Vincent Wall said the weather had a significant impact on operations at the airport.───都柏林机场管理局的发言人VincentWall说,天气对机场的运转造成了严重影响。
4、'The big question everyone's asking is: How much will Ireland grow? ' says Philip Lane, an economics professor at Trinity College Dublin.───都柏林圣三一学院 (Trinity College Dublin)经济学教授拉内 (Philip Lane)说,人人都在问的大问题是,爱尔兰会有多大幅度的增长?
5、Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas.───和在都柏林和达拉斯一样,德里和大连的苹果产品也正遭到疯抢。
6、Dublin bagged two goals in last night's win.───在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队SheJin了两球。
7、I live within commuting distance of Dublin.───我住在离都柏林上下班可乘公交车往返的地方。
8、and recording sessions took place in London, Dublin and Sweden.───与会议记录发生在伦敦,都柏林和瑞典。
9、However, he said the Shannon Airport Authority should be granted full autonomy from the Dublin Airport Authority and "debt-free" status.───不过,他说香农机场管理局应该从都柏林机场管理局得到充分的自ZhuQuan和“无债务”状态。
2、dualin───n.双硝ZhaYao (Zha Yao)
3、dub in───配音
1、Born in Crumlin, Dublin to parents Bridget and Paddy, he was one of 13 surviving children (out of 22 born) in a Catholic family.───布朗生在都柏林的克拉姆林,一个TianZhu教家庭。双亲布里吉特和帕蒂共生育了22个孩子,其中13个活了下来。
2、I caught the next plane to Dublin.───我赶上了下一班飞机去都柏林。
3、Dublin Airport Authority spokesman Vincent Wall said the weather had a significant impact on operations at the airport.───都柏林机场管理局的发言人VincentWall说,天气对机场的运转造成了严重影响。
4、'The big question everyone's asking is: How much will Ireland grow? ' says Philip Lane, an economics professor at Trinity College Dublin.───都柏林圣三一学院 (Trinity College Dublin)经济学教授拉内 (Philip Lane)说,人人都在问的大问题是,爱尔兰会有多大幅度的增长?
5、Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas.───和在都柏林和达拉斯一样,德里和大连的苹果产品也正遭到疯抢。
6、Dublin bagged two goals in last night's win.───在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队SheJin了两球。
7、I live within commuting distance of Dublin.───我住在离都柏林上下班可乘公交车往返的地方。
8、and recording sessions took place in London, Dublin and Sweden.───与会议记录发生在伦敦,都柏林和瑞典。
9、However, he said the Shannon Airport Authority should be granted full autonomy from the Dublin Airport Authority and "debt-free" status.───不过,他说香农机场管理局应该从都柏林机场管理局得到充分的自ZhuQuan和“无债务”状态。