1、On a blocking connection, a return of 0 means that the connection was closed, while -1 indicates that an error occurred.───在受阻塞的连接中,该函数返回 0,表示连接已经关闭,而 -1 则表示连接出现错误。
2、when you click the Next button, you get an error message indicating that the connection was unsuccessful, one or more of the following issues may have occurred.───当您单击Next按钮时,如果得到指示连接不成功的错误消息,则可能出现以下一个或多个问题。
3、An error occurred while Internet connection sharing was being enabled for the connection.───当路由容量正被打开时产生了一个错误。
connection error occurred(意思翻译)
connection error occurred(相似词语短语)
1、carf connection───carf连接
2、occurred to───vi.被想到
3、kennel connection───犬舍连接
4、connection speed───连接速度
6、occurred spelling───拼写错误
7、connection error───[计]连接错误,连接误差
8、no error occurred───没有发生错误
connection error occurred(双语使用场景)
1、On a blocking connection, a return of 0 means that the connection was closed, while -1 indicates that an error occurred.───在受阻塞的连接中,该函数返回 0,表示连接已经关闭,而 -1 则表示连接出现错误。
2、when you click the Next button, you get an error message indicating that the connection was unsuccessful, one or more of the following issues may have occurred.───当您单击Next按钮时,如果得到指示连接不成功的错误消息,则可能出现以下一个或多个问题。
3、An error occurred while Internet connection sharing was being enabled for the connection.───当路由容量正被打开时产生了一个错误。