1、I can tell you that when you're willing to give your life up to see a dream through, the reward is great.───如果你倾其所有,用生命XiaZhu为梦想打拼的话,你会得到丰厚的回报。
2、Now you will enter the second gestation of this important new cycle, one that could help you see a dream materialize, and possibly bring your best financial year in over a decade.───现在你将进入这一重要的新周期的第二个孕育期,一个可以帮你看到梦想成为现实,并有可能带来十多年来最好的财政年度。
3、Ghost of a dream to refer to those people who dream of winning a big prize when scratching their tickets. (See photo).───梦想的幽灵”,用以描绘那些期待刮开彩票中大奖的人们。
4、Just being part of the national set-up has satisfied him up for now, but he is finally ready to see a dream become reality.───就目前来说,仅仅成为组建的国家队的一员已经让他非常满意了,但他最终准备看到愿望的实现。
5、In 2002, she was at her wits end and could only see a dream of death ahead.───在2002年,她走到了她智慧的尽头并只能看到前方的死亡梦想。
see a dream(意思翻译)
see a dream(相似词语短语)
1、dream a dream───做梦
2、see in a dream───梦见
3、just a dream───仅仅是一场梦
4、all a dream───全是个梦
5、have a dream───做梦
6、A dream───adj.梦想的;做梦的
7、for a dream───为了梦想
8、see dream───看见梦了吗
9、a dream trip───梦幻之旅
see a dream(双语使用场景)
1、I can tell you that when you're willing to give your life up to see a dream through, the reward is great.───如果你倾其所有,用生命XiaZhu为梦想打拼的话,你会得到丰厚的回报。
2、Now you will enter the second gestation of this important new cycle, one that could help you see a dream materialize, and possibly bring your best financial year in over a decade.───现在你将进入这一重要的新周期的第二个孕育期,一个可以帮你看到梦想成为现实,并有可能带来十多年来最好的财政年度。
3、Ghost of a dream to refer to those people who dream of winning a big prize when scratching their tickets. (See photo).───梦想的幽灵”,用以描绘那些期待刮开彩票中大奖的人们。
4、Just being part of the national set-up has satisfied him up for now, but he is finally ready to see a dream become reality.───就目前来说,仅仅成为组建的国家队的一员已经让他非常满意了,但他最终准备看到愿望的实现。
5、In 2002, she was at her wits end and could only see a dream of death ahead.───在2002年,她走到了她智慧的尽头并只能看到前方的死亡梦想。