1、On the other hand, the results of nonlinear earthquake time history analysis show that the base isolation system effects are very well, so the intensity can be reduced from 9 degree to 7 degree.───其次,通过非线性地震反应时程分析,证明隔震效果十分明显,该科技楼的设防烈度可由9度降为7度。
2、results of the nonlinear time-history analysis show that using the technology of base-isolating in frame-shear wall structures can increase the structural seismic capability.───结构的非线性时程分析结果表明,在高烈度抗震区采用基础隔震技术,框架-抗震墙结构中通过基础隔震技术可以提高结构的抗震安全储备。
3、nonlinear characteristic of cold ring rolling machine's manufacturing procedure, Design the numerical real-time measurement and online control system of cold ring rolling machine.───冷辗环机数字控制XiTong设计针对冷辗环加工过程非线性的特点,设计了对冷辗环机加工过程实时测量和在线控制的数字控制XiTong。
nonlinear time base(意思翻译)
nonlinear time base(相似词语短语)
1、illuminating base───照明底座
2、grandiloquent base───夸夸其谈的基础
3、acclivus base───斜坡基底
5、beddown base───卧床底座
6、base coat───[涂料]底漆;打底层;中间涂层;底漆腻子,头道底漆,中间涂层
7、smoothing base───平滑基底
8、this base───这个基地
9、time base───n.时基,扫描基线,扫描发生器;n.[电子]时基;[电子]扫描基线;扫描发生器
nonlinear time base(双语使用场景)
1、On the other hand, the results of nonlinear earthquake time history analysis show that the base isolation system effects are very well, so the intensity can be reduced from 9 degree to 7 degree.───其次,通过非线性地震反应时程分析,证明隔震效果十分明显,该科技楼的设防烈度可由9度降为7度。
2、results of the nonlinear time-history analysis show that using the technology of base-isolating in frame-shear wall structures can increase the structural seismic capability.───结构的非线性时程分析结果表明,在高烈度抗震区采用基础隔震技术,框架-抗震墙结构中通过基础隔震技术可以提高结构的抗震安全储备。
3、nonlinear characteristic of cold ring rolling machine's manufacturing procedure, Design the numerical real-time measurement and online control system of cold ring rolling machine.───冷辗环机数字控制XiTong设计针对冷辗环加工过程非线性的特点,设计了对冷辗环机加工过程实时测量和在线控制的数字控制XiTong。