1、Life and death are circular friends who dance with each other day in day out. . . so what is my take on life ?───生和死是一对日复一夜相拥而舞的朋友。那么我拥有的生活是什么呢?。
2、Japan's tiff with China over copyright infringement is about to take on 'life-size' proportions.───日本与中国围绕版权侵犯问题产生的口角,眼看着要发展到了剑拔弩张的地步。
3、There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties.───除非我们终生与困难为伴,否则就无幸福可谈。
4、There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties.───除非我们应对一生的困难,生活将无幸福可 言。
5、A humorous take on life enables you to lift the spirits of those around you by bringing the lighter side to their attention.───通过让他人注意到生活中轻松快乐的一面,你的幽默感可以挑起周遭的气氛。
6、To take on life, to take on love, to take on the responsibility and possibility.───去接受生命的挑战,去感受爱,去承担一切的责任和可能。
7、For anything, for everything. To take on life and love, to take on the responsibility and possibility.───为了任何理由,为了一切可能。接受生活和爱情,面对责任和问题。
take on life(英语使用场景)
1、Life and death are circular friends who dance with each other day in day out... so what is my take on life?
take on life(意思翻译)
take on life(相似词语短语)
1、take about life───了解生活
2、life on───生活在
3、take the life───夺走生命
4、take this life───夺走这条生命
5、take my life───夺走我的生命
6、take on take off───起飞起飞
7、take a life───ShaRen
8、take on───承担; 呈现; 雇用; 录用;承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上
9、on life───论生活
take on life(双语使用场景)
1、Life and death are circular friends who dance with each other day in day out. . . so what is my take on life ?───生和死是一对日复一夜相拥而舞的朋友。那么我拥有的生活是什么呢?。
2、Japan's tiff with China over copyright infringement is about to take on 'life-size' proportions.───日本与中国围绕版权侵犯问题产生的口角,眼看着要发展到了剑拔弩张的地步。
3、There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties.───除非我们终生与困难为伴,否则就无幸福可谈。
4、There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties.───除非我们应对一生的困难,生活将无幸福可 言。
5、A humorous take on life enables you to lift the spirits of those around you by bringing the lighter side to their attention.───通过让他人注意到生活中轻松快乐的一面,你的幽默感可以挑起周遭的气氛。
6、To take on life, to take on love, to take on the responsibility and possibility.───去接受生命的挑战,去感受爱,去承担一切的责任和可能。
7、For anything, for everything. To take on life and love, to take on the responsibility and possibility.───为了任何理由,为了一切可能。接受生活和爱情,面对责任和问题。
take on life(英语使用场景)
1、Life and death are circular friends who dance with each other day in day out... so what is my take on life?