1、After one night in the same hotel room with her, Miss Denmark, Ingrid Anderson, ran screaming into the hall and demanded a new room-mate.───有一天晚上,和她同住一个房间的丹麦XiaoJie尹佳丽特·安德森突然从房间里尖叫着冲向大厅,并要求换房。
2、Kevin was Zuck's room-mate in the bungalow in Palo Alto; he's 29 and a billionaire (on paper).───Kevin和Zuck是室友,他们曾经共同居住在帕洛阿尔托的一间小平房里;他现在29岁,是个亿万富翁(理论上是)。
3、So Jack persuaded the governor of Massachusetts to appoint his college room-mate to keep the seat warm for a couple of years.───结果杰克说服马萨诸塞州的州长任命他的大学室友把位置先坐上两年。
4、Last night I was touched and inspired by seeing my college room mate sing in her own concert.───昨天晚上我看了大学室友的一场演唱会。
5、one night in the same hotel room with her, Miss Denmark, Ingrid Anderson, ran screaming into the hall and demanded a new room-mate.───一天晚上,和她同住一个房间的丹麦XiaoJie尹佳丽特·安德森突然从房间里尖叫着冲向大厅,并要求换房。
6、"I was Sami's room-mate for my first four years at Liverpool, " said the Reds' number 14.───“在我出来的四年里,我和萨米是很好的舍友。”红军的14号如是说。
7、The closest I got all night was the multiple times my room-mate's dog tried to mount me.───整个晚上,和我最亲密的就是哥们的狗,它好几次想“上”我。
8、So Jack persuaded the governor of Massachusetts to appoint his college room-mate to keep the seat warm for a couple of years.───于是杰克说服马塞诸萨州州长任命了他大学时的室友接任参议员,以使该席位在未来几年都不会旁落他人。
9、But as I said, he plays for the best team in the world, Spain. He was the best room-mate, a good guy, very positive.───但就像我说的,他为世界上最好的队伍西班牙踢球。他是最好的室友,一个好人,积极向上。
1、His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.
2、You never know who you'll get as a roommate; it's just a matter of luck .
3、You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.
4、Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates.
5、Don't haze the new roommate, he's my cousin.
6、My dear roommate, thank you for sparing my life.
7、He was hided by his roommates.
8、Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
9、Jean was my roommate during our first year at university.
1、cheers mate───干杯,伙计
2、coffee mate───咖啡伴侣;奶精
3、caulk mate───嵌缝哑光
4、sml mate───sml配对
6、steel mate───铁将军
7、cranky mate───暴躁的伴侣
8、room mate───n.室友
9、mate x───配合x
1、After one night in the same hotel room with her, Miss Denmark, Ingrid Anderson, ran screaming into the hall and demanded a new room-mate.───有一天晚上,和她同住一个房间的丹麦XiaoJie尹佳丽特·安德森突然从房间里尖叫着冲向大厅,并要求换房。
2、Kevin was Zuck's room-mate in the bungalow in Palo Alto; he's 29 and a billionaire (on paper).───Kevin和Zuck是室友,他们曾经共同居住在帕洛阿尔托的一间小平房里;他现在29岁,是个亿万富翁(理论上是)。
3、So Jack persuaded the governor of Massachusetts to appoint his college room-mate to keep the seat warm for a couple of years.───结果杰克说服马萨诸塞州的州长任命他的大学室友把位置先坐上两年。
4、Last night I was touched and inspired by seeing my college room mate sing in her own concert.───昨天晚上我看了大学室友的一场演唱会。
5、one night in the same hotel room with her, Miss Denmark, Ingrid Anderson, ran screaming into the hall and demanded a new room-mate.───一天晚上,和她同住一个房间的丹麦XiaoJie尹佳丽特·安德森突然从房间里尖叫着冲向大厅,并要求换房。
6、"I was Sami's room-mate for my first four years at Liverpool, " said the Reds' number 14.───“在我出来的四年里,我和萨米是很好的舍友。”红军的14号如是说。
7、The closest I got all night was the multiple times my room-mate's dog tried to mount me.───整个晚上,和我最亲密的就是哥们的狗,它好几次想“上”我。
8、So Jack persuaded the governor of Massachusetts to appoint his college room-mate to keep the seat warm for a couple of years.───于是杰克说服马塞诸萨州州长任命了他大学时的室友接任参议员,以使该席位在未来几年都不会旁落他人。
9、But as I said, he plays for the best team in the world, Spain. He was the best room-mate, a good guy, very positive.───但就像我说的,他为世界上最好的队伍西班牙踢球。他是最好的室友,一个好人,积极向上。
1、His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.
2、You never know who you'll get as a roommate; it's just a matter of luck .
3、You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.
4、Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates.
5、Don't haze the new roommate, he's my cousin.
6、My dear roommate, thank you for sparing my life.
7、He was hided by his roommates.
8、Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
9、Jean was my roommate during our first year at university.