1、Partners present and elicit their best selves. Life seems promising. It is a time of sharing dreams and romance. This is a time to be remembered and cherished.───夫妻们都会选择展现他们最好的那一面给对方。生活似乎充满希望和前景。这是彼此分享梦想和浪漫的阶段。这是值得铭记和珍惜的阶段。
2、doers not only get the social rewards, but they get the personal satisfaction of actualizing their best selves.───实干家不只获得社会方面的报酬,因为实现最好的自我他们也获得个人精神上的满足。
3、The doers not only get the social rewards, but they get the personal satisfaction of actualizing their best selves.───实干家不只获得社会方面的报酬,因为实现最好的自我他们也获得个人精神上的满足。
4、They feel ashamed by their behavior and don't think it reflects the real them, their best selves.───他们为自己的行为感到羞耻,并不认为那是他们自己的真我写照。
their best selves(意思翻译)
their best selves(相似词语短语)
1、their cousins───他们的堂兄弟
2、do their best───尽力而为
3、put their───把他们的
4、their ivory───他们的象牙
5、their children───他们的孩子
7、their car───他们的车
8、their best───他们最好的
their best selves(双语使用场景)
1、Partners present and elicit their best selves. Life seems promising. It is a time of sharing dreams and romance. This is a time to be remembered and cherished.───夫妻们都会选择展现他们最好的那一面给对方。生活似乎充满希望和前景。这是彼此分享梦想和浪漫的阶段。这是值得铭记和珍惜的阶段。
2、doers not only get the social rewards, but they get the personal satisfaction of actualizing their best selves.───实干家不只获得社会方面的报酬,因为实现最好的自我他们也获得个人精神上的满足。
3、The doers not only get the social rewards, but they get the personal satisfaction of actualizing their best selves.───实干家不只获得社会方面的报酬,因为实现最好的自我他们也获得个人精神上的满足。
4、They feel ashamed by their behavior and don't think it reflects the real them, their best selves.───他们为自己的行为感到羞耻,并不认为那是他们自己的真我写照。