1、Also after a while, the sun finally rose up, and he's like a mission of the soldiers, happy to jump out of!───又过了一会儿,太阳终于升起来了,他像一个完成使命的战士,高兴的跳出来了!
2、If she was sitting in her chair thinking and I came near her and touched her neck with a feather, she would jump out of her stockings.───如果她正坐在椅子上想事儿,我走到她身边用一根羽毛碰一下她的脖子,她立刻会跳起来,吓得魂不附体。
3、But to do all that effectively, they must first jump out of the box and leave the building.───但要有效地做到这一切,他们必须首先跳出框框,离开充斥着成见的办公楼。
4、In a short story from Toy Story, Rex's green tyrannosaurus really seemed to jump out of the screen, and the audience was impressed.───在一段来自《玩具总动员》的短篇中,雷克斯那只绿色的暴龙看起来真的要从屏幕里跳出来,使观众大为赞叹。
5、At that point, the frog decides to jump out.───就在这时,青蛙决定跳出来。
6、" I wondered, mostly to myself. " That my heart might someday stop trying to jump out of my chest whenever you touch me?───我提出疑问,也是在问自己,“会不会有那么一天,在你碰触我的时候,我的心脏不再设法挣脱胸腔的束缚跳出来吗?”
7、But in fact, what kills the frog is its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.───但事实上,ShaSi青蛙的原因是它自己不能决定什么时候跳出来。
8、Jump out of a plane while still sewing your parachute and you'll get a good sense of pace in this business.───或者说当你还在缝补降落伞的时候就跳出飞机。
9、Once I ate two little blue pill, it was hot, heart pounding to jump out of his throat, head buzzing, scared me to death.───有一次我吃了两粒蓝色小药丸,结果浑身发热,心砰砰地要跳出嗓子眼,脑袋嗡嗡地响,可把我吓坏了。
jump out(英语使用场景)
1、I don't think I'd have the courage to jump out of a plane.
2、Maybe I jump out the back way.
3、Then she'd jump out and scare them to death!
4、He had to jump out of an upstairs window to escape.
5、I managed to jump out of the path of the bike just in time.
6、And I didn't want to jump out into the fast-moving darkness without any boots and within range of fifty tommy-guns.
7、The loud noise made me jump out of my skin.
8、Don't jump out on me like that! You scared the living daylights out of me!
9、Yet, I should jump out the window if I had to do another Violet book!
jump out(意思翻译)
jump out(相似词语短语)
1、jump from───从···跳跃;激增
2、jump only───仅跳转
3、jump aofsset───跳转aofsset
5、jump out of───跳出;跳出来;突然离开,跳离
6、ski jump───跳高滑雪;跳台滑雪
7、jump back───[体]后跳
8、jump ball───n.(篮球)跳球;跳球;争球
9、jump roputup───跳起
jump out(双语使用场景)
1、Also after a while, the sun finally rose up, and he's like a mission of the soldiers, happy to jump out of!───又过了一会儿,太阳终于升起来了,他像一个完成使命的战士,高兴的跳出来了!
2、If she was sitting in her chair thinking and I came near her and touched her neck with a feather, she would jump out of her stockings.───如果她正坐在椅子上想事儿,我走到她身边用一根羽毛碰一下她的脖子,她立刻会跳起来,吓得魂不附体。
3、But to do all that effectively, they must first jump out of the box and leave the building.───但要有效地做到这一切,他们必须首先跳出框框,离开充斥着成见的办公楼。
4、In a short story from Toy Story, Rex's green tyrannosaurus really seemed to jump out of the screen, and the audience was impressed.───在一段来自《玩具总动员》的短篇中,雷克斯那只绿色的暴龙看起来真的要从屏幕里跳出来,使观众大为赞叹。
5、At that point, the frog decides to jump out.───就在这时,青蛙决定跳出来。
6、" I wondered, mostly to myself. " That my heart might someday stop trying to jump out of my chest whenever you touch me?───我提出疑问,也是在问自己,“会不会有那么一天,在你碰触我的时候,我的心脏不再设法挣脱胸腔的束缚跳出来吗?”
7、But in fact, what kills the frog is its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.───但事实上,ShaSi青蛙的原因是它自己不能决定什么时候跳出来。
8、Jump out of a plane while still sewing your parachute and you'll get a good sense of pace in this business.───或者说当你还在缝补降落伞的时候就跳出飞机。
9、Once I ate two little blue pill, it was hot, heart pounding to jump out of his throat, head buzzing, scared me to death.───有一次我吃了两粒蓝色小药丸,结果浑身发热,心砰砰地要跳出嗓子眼,脑袋嗡嗡地响,可把我吓坏了。
jump out(英语使用场景)
1、I don't think I'd have the courage to jump out of a plane.
2、Maybe I jump out the back way.
3、Then she'd jump out and scare them to death!
4、He had to jump out of an upstairs window to escape.
5、I managed to jump out of the path of the bike just in time.
6、And I didn't want to jump out into the fast-moving darkness without any boots and within range of fifty tommy-guns.
7、The loud noise made me jump out of my skin.
8、Don't jump out on me like that! You scared the living daylights out of me!
9、Yet, I should jump out the window if I had to do another Violet book!