1、television station that got its cameramen to film a crowd trying to get into the Green Zone, the fortified area where many officials work and reside, was ransacked by security forces.───拍摄人群试图冲进绿区(很多官员工作且居住的加强防御区)画面的电视台遭安全部队彻底搜查。
2、Ray Tech Cool Shield Security Film are coated with a thicker pressure sensitive material and held together with ultra-strong mounting adhesives.───射线技术酷盾平安膜涂有一层厚的压力敏感资料和一同举行了超强的装置。
3、The attack was captured on film by security cameras.───袭击事件已被保安摄像机拍摄下来。
security film(英语使用场景)
1、Able to withstand extraordinary wind and force, security film helps prevent entry of water and wind-borne debris, providing superior protection 24-hours a day.
security film(意思翻译)
security film(相似词语短语)
1、security features───安全特征(securityfeature的复数)
2、it security───it安全
4、security zone───安全地带
5、security officers───安全官员;安全人员
6、security control───安全技术;保安措施;安全技术,安全控制,保安措施
7、cumic security───cumic安全
8、distressed security───危难证券
9、security check───安全检查;安检
security film(双语使用场景)
1、television station that got its cameramen to film a crowd trying to get into the Green Zone, the fortified area where many officials work and reside, was ransacked by security forces.───拍摄人群试图冲进绿区(很多官员工作且居住的加强防御区)画面的电视台遭安全部队彻底搜查。
2、Ray Tech Cool Shield Security Film are coated with a thicker pressure sensitive material and held together with ultra-strong mounting adhesives.───射线技术酷盾平安膜涂有一层厚的压力敏感资料和一同举行了超强的装置。
3、The attack was captured on film by security cameras.───袭击事件已被保安摄像机拍摄下来。
security film(英语使用场景)
1、Able to withstand extraordinary wind and force, security film helps prevent entry of water and wind-borne debris, providing superior protection 24-hours a day.