1、The situation is very dynamic, so passengers expecting to travel from the impacted airports should contact their airlines to check whether their flight is operating.───形势在变化不断,因此要经过受影响的机场的乘客请与航空公司联系以确定所乘坐的航班是否飞行。
2、Andy Hertzfeld, a member of the original Macintosh team, noticed that his contact at Microsoft was asking too many detailed questions about how the Macintosh operating system worked.───金塔最初开发团队的成员安迪•赫茨菲尔德回忆说,微软当时负责与他联系的人问的问题太过细致,总想了解麦金塔Cao作XiTong的具体运作方式。
3、In Uige municipality, procedures for contact tracing are now operating with greater efficiency.───在威热市,目前正在以更高的效率实施接触者追踪的程序。
operating contact(意思翻译)
operating contact(相似词语短语)
1、operating condition───运行状态,运行条件;Cao作规范;运行条件,运转状态; 工作状况[条件]; Cao作规范[条件]; Cao纵[控制]条件
2、operating room───n.手术室;n.[外科]手术室
3、operating theater───手术室
5、operating instruction───Cao作指南;使用说明书;[化] 使用说明书
6、operating costs───生产费用,营业成本
7、operating on───对…动手术;对…起作用
9、operating theatre───手术室
operating contact(双语使用场景)
1、The situation is very dynamic, so passengers expecting to travel from the impacted airports should contact their airlines to check whether their flight is operating.───形势在变化不断,因此要经过受影响的机场的乘客请与航空公司联系以确定所乘坐的航班是否飞行。
2、Andy Hertzfeld, a member of the original Macintosh team, noticed that his contact at Microsoft was asking too many detailed questions about how the Macintosh operating system worked.───金塔最初开发团队的成员安迪•赫茨菲尔德回忆说,微软当时负责与他联系的人问的问题太过细致,总想了解麦金塔Cao作XiTong的具体运作方式。
3、In Uige municipality, procedures for contact tracing are now operating with greater efficiency.───在威热市,目前正在以更高的效率实施接触者追踪的程序。