1、The protonated coke sludge biomass was used as a new type of biosorbent for the removal of anionic dye Reactive Red 4(RR4).───以焦化厂污水处理车间的剩余污泥为材料,经过质子化处理制备生物吸附剂,进行了吸附活性红4 (R R)的研究。
2、reactive capability of coke mainly include the reactive capability of coke and the intensity after reaction.───焦炭热反应性能主要指焦炭反应性和反应后的强度。
3、The protonated coke waste was used as a new type of biosorbent for the removal of anionic dye Reactive Red 4(RR4) and cationic dye Methylene Blue(MB).───以城市污水处理厂的剩余污泥为原料,经过质子化处理制备成生物吸附剂,进行了吸附水溶液中活性红4 (R R)和亚甲兰 (M B)的研究。
reactive coke(意思翻译)
reactive coke(相似词语短语)
1、some coke───一些可乐
2、calcining coke───煅烧焦炭
3、reactive power───[电]无功功率
4、coke cola───可口可乐
5、big coke───大可乐
6、non reactive───adj.[化学]不反应的;无电抗的
7、acicular coke───针状焦
8、me coke───我喝可乐
9、petroleum coke───石油焦(炭)
reactive coke(双语使用场景)
1、The protonated coke sludge biomass was used as a new type of biosorbent for the removal of anionic dye Reactive Red 4(RR4).───以焦化厂污水处理车间的剩余污泥为材料,经过质子化处理制备生物吸附剂,进行了吸附活性红4 (R R)的研究。
2、reactive capability of coke mainly include the reactive capability of coke and the intensity after reaction.───焦炭热反应性能主要指焦炭反应性和反应后的强度。
3、The protonated coke waste was used as a new type of biosorbent for the removal of anionic dye Reactive Red 4(RR4) and cationic dye Methylene Blue(MB).───以城市污水处理厂的剩余污泥为原料,经过质子化处理制备成生物吸附剂,进行了吸附水溶液中活性红4 (R R)和亚甲兰 (M B)的研究。