1、A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.───每天点同一种三明治的顾客多得惊人。
2、NOTE : if client has any special requirement to the wire disc , we will follow customers order to select the wire disc .───注:如客户对线盘有特殊要求的,一般应按客户要求选取线盘。
3、The British customers, not clear to us out customers order which, that we can't create BOM.───出英国的客户,不能明确给我们出哪家客户就下单,使我们无法建立BOM。
4、Now, not only can customers order hotpot from the comfort of their homes, they can enjoy complete table service.───现在,顾客不仅可以舒服地在家订火锅餐,他们还可以享受到完全的餐桌服务。
5、Their customers order from the catalog each month, and melaleuca pays commissions to whoever gave the customer the catalog.───他们的客户每月从目录上订购产品,由美乐家来支付介绍人的佣金。
6、But the customers order directly from Amazon, you can combine a delivery.───但是客户直接从亚马逊订购的话,可以合并为一次送货。
7、They exploit knowledge of their customers' order books to make money on proprietary trading.───它们利用对客户订单帐簿的了解,凭借自营交易赚钱。
8、Customers order what they want, and after they pay, Dell orders the necessary parts from suppliers and builds the custom PC.───消费者们定制他们想要的产品,付款之后,戴尔从供应商那里拿到必要配件,搭建出客户需要的电脑。
9、When customers order products in large quantities, they receive a quantity discount price.───如果顾客订了大量的产品,他们得到数量回扣价格。
customers order(英语使用场景)
1、A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.
2、It is important to ensure prompt delivery of goods that customers order.
3、On some days, as many as a third of her customers order the burger, which is offered alongside Mediterranean-inspired dishes like sea bass with fennel confit and pistachios.
customers order(意思翻译)
customers order(相似词语短语)
1、repeat customers───重购主顾
2、customers service───KeHuFuWu;售后服务
3、customers demographics───客户人口统计
4、potential customers───潜在客户;潜在顾客
6、existing customers───现有客户(existingcustomer的复数)
7、customers alike───客户一致
8、customers band───客户波段
9、billed customers───账单客户
customers order(双语使用场景)
1、A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.───每天点同一种三明治的顾客多得惊人。
2、NOTE : if client has any special requirement to the wire disc , we will follow customers order to select the wire disc .───注:如客户对线盘有特殊要求的,一般应按客户要求选取线盘。
3、The British customers, not clear to us out customers order which, that we can't create BOM.───出英国的客户,不能明确给我们出哪家客户就下单,使我们无法建立BOM。
4、Now, not only can customers order hotpot from the comfort of their homes, they can enjoy complete table service.───现在,顾客不仅可以舒服地在家订火锅餐,他们还可以享受到完全的餐桌服务。
5、Their customers order from the catalog each month, and melaleuca pays commissions to whoever gave the customer the catalog.───他们的客户每月从目录上订购产品,由美乐家来支付介绍人的佣金。
6、But the customers order directly from Amazon, you can combine a delivery.───但是客户直接从亚马逊订购的话,可以合并为一次送货。
7、They exploit knowledge of their customers' order books to make money on proprietary trading.───它们利用对客户订单帐簿的了解,凭借自营交易赚钱。
8、Customers order what they want, and after they pay, Dell orders the necessary parts from suppliers and builds the custom PC.───消费者们定制他们想要的产品,付款之后,戴尔从供应商那里拿到必要配件,搭建出客户需要的电脑。
9、When customers order products in large quantities, they receive a quantity discount price.───如果顾客订了大量的产品,他们得到数量回扣价格。
customers order(英语使用场景)
1、A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.
2、It is important to ensure prompt delivery of goods that customers order.
3、On some days, as many as a third of her customers order the burger, which is offered alongside Mediterranean-inspired dishes like sea bass with fennel confit and pistachios.