heavy breakfast(意思翻译)
heavy breakfast(相似词语短语)
2、breakfast now───现在就吃早饭
3、breakfast table───n.早餐桌
4、had breakfast───吃早餐,吃早饭
6、breakfast ideas───早餐点子
7、heavy box───重箱子
8、breakfast ingredients───早餐配料
9、heavy drinker───[医]大量饮酒者
heavy breakfast(双语使用场景)
1、An Italian breakfast - a nation too fabulous for heavy breakfasts me thinks.───意大利早餐- - -一个我认为早餐不很大份儿的国家。
2、We aren't used to eating heavy things for breakfast.───我们不习惯于为早餐吃沉重的东西。
3、He would need to delight himself with Carrie as surely as he would need to eat his heavy breakfast.───他对嘉莉的需求正如他对丰盛早餐的需求一样。
heavy breakfast(意思翻译)
heavy breakfast(相似词语短语)
2、breakfast now───现在就吃早饭
3、breakfast table───n.早餐桌
4、had breakfast───吃早餐,吃早饭
6、breakfast ideas───早餐点子
7、heavy box───重箱子
8、breakfast ingredients───早餐配料
9、heavy drinker───[医]大量饮酒者
heavy breakfast(双语使用场景)
1、An Italian breakfast - a nation too fabulous for heavy breakfasts me thinks.───意大利早餐- - -一个我认为早餐不很大份儿的国家。
2、We aren't used to eating heavy things for breakfast.───我们不习惯于为早餐吃沉重的东西。
3、He would need to delight himself with Carrie as surely as he would need to eat his heavy breakfast.───他对嘉莉的需求正如他对丰盛早餐的需求一样。