1、In the final of this paper, against Germanium reduction process in the end of judgment, make an in-depth study in control method.───在本文的最后,针对锗还原过程中还原终点判断问题,对控制方法进行了深入的研究。
2、Chinese side will help the Nepalese side to expedite the poverty reduction process in rural areas.───中方将帮助尼方加快在农村地区的减贫进程。
3、The results show that reduction process is of nonequilibrium process, and its kinetics depend on compositions of reducing gas.───结果表明:实际还原过程属于非平衡态过程,它的还原机理与还原气体的成分相关。
4、conditional entropy of decision table will not change in the reduction process.───约简后决策表的条件熵等于初始决策表的条件熵。
5、Fluidized bed reduction can directly use fine ore but the coal consumption of smelting reduction process with it was more than with shaft.───虽然流化床具有直接使用粉矿的巨大优势,但流化床作为还原单元时流程的最佳煤耗要高于竖炉。
6、The carbon reduction process of pyrite cinder was studied.───对硫铁矿烧渣的碳还原过程进行研究。
7、Reduction process is to determine the maturity of the polysilicon production and product quality of the core.───还原工艺的成熟程度是决定多晶硅产量和产品质量的核心所在。
8、Therefore, it is of vital importance to supply additional vitamins during the weight-reduction process through physical exercises.───因此,在增加体育活动的减肥过程中,注意维生素的额外补充是十分重要的。
9、Influence business competitiveness through total quality, cost reduction, process improvement and automation initiatives.───通过整体质量,成本减少,程序改进和自动化提高竞争力。
reduction process(英语使用场景)
1、A typical result of this reduction process is shown in fig 1.2iv.
2、A conceptual design of new smelting reduction process for hot metal production has been studied.
3、At present, COREX is an only smelting reduction process which is mature on the technology, and realizes successful application on industry.
4、Electrochemical reduction process of microperoxidase-11 was investigated by in-situ UV-Vis and CD spectroelectrochemistry methods with a long optical path thin layer cell.
5、One dialect reflects the reduction process by contraction alone, the other dialect by contraction or deletion.
6、The present invention discloses catalyzed hydrogen reduction process of alkyl halide to dehaloginate and produce hydrocarbon.
7、This combination or reduction process is termed block diagram algebra.
8、Comparing with calcination reduction process, it solves many problems, such as low recovery rate of manganese, grievous dust pollution, large permanent investment and high labor intensity etc.
9、Trials of a new smelting reduction process for ferrochromium manufacture in shaft furnace with carbon bearing chrome-ore pellet was carried out by the authors.
reduction process(意思翻译)
reduction process(相似词语短语)
1、dimension reduction───降维;[统计]维数缩减
3、citrate reduction───柠檬酸盐还原
4、pollution reduction───污染减轻;污染减少
5、balsamic reduction───浓缩意大利醋
6、oxidation reduction───氧化还原作用
7、assimilatory reduction───同化还原
8、reduction crossword───减少纵横字谜
9、reduction of───……的减少;……的降低
reduction process(双语使用场景)
1、In the final of this paper, against Germanium reduction process in the end of judgment, make an in-depth study in control method.───在本文的最后,针对锗还原过程中还原终点判断问题,对控制方法进行了深入的研究。
2、Chinese side will help the Nepalese side to expedite the poverty reduction process in rural areas.───中方将帮助尼方加快在农村地区的减贫进程。
3、The results show that reduction process is of nonequilibrium process, and its kinetics depend on compositions of reducing gas.───结果表明:实际还原过程属于非平衡态过程,它的还原机理与还原气体的成分相关。
4、conditional entropy of decision table will not change in the reduction process.───约简后决策表的条件熵等于初始决策表的条件熵。
5、Fluidized bed reduction can directly use fine ore but the coal consumption of smelting reduction process with it was more than with shaft.───虽然流化床具有直接使用粉矿的巨大优势,但流化床作为还原单元时流程的最佳煤耗要高于竖炉。
6、The carbon reduction process of pyrite cinder was studied.───对硫铁矿烧渣的碳还原过程进行研究。
7、Reduction process is to determine the maturity of the polysilicon production and product quality of the core.───还原工艺的成熟程度是决定多晶硅产量和产品质量的核心所在。
8、Therefore, it is of vital importance to supply additional vitamins during the weight-reduction process through physical exercises.───因此,在增加体育活动的减肥过程中,注意维生素的额外补充是十分重要的。
9、Influence business competitiveness through total quality, cost reduction, process improvement and automation initiatives.───通过整体质量,成本减少,程序改进和自动化提高竞争力。
reduction process(英语使用场景)
1、A typical result of this reduction process is shown in fig 1.2iv.
2、A conceptual design of new smelting reduction process for hot metal production has been studied.
3、At present, COREX is an only smelting reduction process which is mature on the technology, and realizes successful application on industry.
4、Electrochemical reduction process of microperoxidase-11 was investigated by in-situ UV-Vis and CD spectroelectrochemistry methods with a long optical path thin layer cell.
5、One dialect reflects the reduction process by contraction alone, the other dialect by contraction or deletion.
6、The present invention discloses catalyzed hydrogen reduction process of alkyl halide to dehaloginate and produce hydrocarbon.
7、This combination or reduction process is termed block diagram algebra.
8、Comparing with calcination reduction process, it solves many problems, such as low recovery rate of manganese, grievous dust pollution, large permanent investment and high labor intensity etc.
9、Trials of a new smelting reduction process for ferrochromium manufacture in shaft furnace with carbon bearing chrome-ore pellet was carried out by the authors.