1、I’ve just taken one or two liberties with your copy, ” he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose.───他会说,“我把你的稿子做了一两处处理”,意思是,稿子已经改成最简洁、最准确、标点最少的科尔克霍恩风格。
2、Colquhoun stressed that OTAs and suppliers absolutely must collaborate together to ensure our customers have that trip of a lifetime and that the customers return to book more travel.───Colquhoun强调,OTA与供应商“绝对必须通力协作,以保证我们的客户享受一生难求的旅行,”并确保消费者再次光顾预订更多的旅游产品。
3、"It would be overly cautious to rule out. . . some early signs of progress, " said Fitch's Andrew Colquhoun, cautiously.───信用评级机构Fitch的AndrewColquhoun谨慎的表示“鉴于发展的早期现象,将投资排除在外这可能过分的谨慎了。”
4、Colquhoun said everyone had to muck in and urged delegates at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen to produce more than just hot air .───柯恩宽说,每个人都应该尽一己之力,敦促LianHeGuo哥本哈根气候大会的代表不要只说空话,要拿出点成绩来。
5、IN THE 20-odd years he worked for The Economist, from 1981 to 2004, Keith Colquhoun never raised his voice.───1984年-2004年,在基斯·科尔克霍恩为《经济学人》工作的这20多年里,他从不提高声音说话。
6、I've just taken one or two liberties with your copy, he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose.───他会说,“我把你的稿子做了一两处处理”,意思是,稿子已经改成最简洁、最准确、标点最少的科尔克·霍恩风格。
1、Colquhoun suffered a back injury in training yesterday and is almost certain to miss today's game against Brentford.
1、I’ve just taken one or two liberties with your copy, ” he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose.───他会说,“我把你的稿子做了一两处处理”,意思是,稿子已经改成最简洁、最准确、标点最少的科尔克霍恩风格。
2、Colquhoun stressed that OTAs and suppliers absolutely must collaborate together to ensure our customers have that trip of a lifetime and that the customers return to book more travel.───Colquhoun强调,OTA与供应商“绝对必须通力协作,以保证我们的客户享受一生难求的旅行,”并确保消费者再次光顾预订更多的旅游产品。
3、"It would be overly cautious to rule out. . . some early signs of progress, " said Fitch's Andrew Colquhoun, cautiously.───信用评级机构Fitch的AndrewColquhoun谨慎的表示“鉴于发展的早期现象,将投资排除在外这可能过分的谨慎了。”
4、Colquhoun said everyone had to muck in and urged delegates at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen to produce more than just hot air .───柯恩宽说,每个人都应该尽一己之力,敦促LianHeGuo哥本哈根气候大会的代表不要只说空话,要拿出点成绩来。
5、IN THE 20-odd years he worked for The Economist, from 1981 to 2004, Keith Colquhoun never raised his voice.───1984年-2004年,在基斯·科尔克霍恩为《经济学人》工作的这20多年里,他从不提高声音说话。
6、I've just taken one or two liberties with your copy, he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose.───他会说,“我把你的稿子做了一两处处理”,意思是,稿子已经改成最简洁、最准确、标点最少的科尔克·霍恩风格。
1、Colquhoun suffered a back injury in training yesterday and is almost certain to miss today's game against Brentford.