1、stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she draw away from him.───靠近他的念头越来越强烈,可实际上,她却坐得离他更远了。
2、We tried to help fight the fire but had to draw away from the heat of the flames.───我们试图帮助灭火,但由于火焰的温度太高,我们只得后退。
3、The old man ran faster and faster and at last he started to draw away from others.───这位老人跑得越来越快,终于超过别人并且拉开了距离。
4、The Queen's horse quickly draw away from the others .───女王的马迅速地超越了其它的马。
5、the fourth lap, he started to draw away from the rest.───第四圈,他开始把其余的人都甩到后面去了。
6、On the fourth lap, he started to draw away from the rest.───跑到第四圈,他开始把其余的人都甩到后面去了。
7、The stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she draw away from him.───靠近他的念头越来越强烈,可实际上,她却坐得离他更远了。
8、This included a humiliating 2-2 draw away from home at Belarus minnows BATE Borisov on Tuesday night in the Champions League.───这包括在周二晚上冠军联赛中和白俄罗斯的鲍里索夫队的一个耻辱的2:2的平局。
draw away from(英语使用场景)
1、On the fourth lap , he started to draw away from the rest.
draw away from(意思翻译)
draw away from(相似词语短语)
1、draw away───引开;离开;拉开;(使)离开,移开; (在竞争中)领先于他人[物]
2、to draw from───汲取
3、ebbed away from───退潮
4、draw back from───从……撤回
5、away from───远离,离开;避开痛苦;远离; 相距
6、from away───远离
7、come away from───离开
8、drift away from───从......离开;从......慢慢远离
9、move away from───从…离开;抛弃
draw away from(双语使用场景)
1、stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she draw away from him.───靠近他的念头越来越强烈,可实际上,她却坐得离他更远了。
2、We tried to help fight the fire but had to draw away from the heat of the flames.───我们试图帮助灭火,但由于火焰的温度太高,我们只得后退。
3、The old man ran faster and faster and at last he started to draw away from others.───这位老人跑得越来越快,终于超过别人并且拉开了距离。
4、The Queen's horse quickly draw away from the others .───女王的马迅速地超越了其它的马。
5、the fourth lap, he started to draw away from the rest.───第四圈,他开始把其余的人都甩到后面去了。
6、On the fourth lap, he started to draw away from the rest.───跑到第四圈,他开始把其余的人都甩到后面去了。
7、The stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she draw away from him.───靠近他的念头越来越强烈,可实际上,她却坐得离他更远了。
8、This included a humiliating 2-2 draw away from home at Belarus minnows BATE Borisov on Tuesday night in the Champions League.───这包括在周二晚上冠军联赛中和白俄罗斯的鲍里索夫队的一个耻辱的2:2的平局。
draw away from(英语使用场景)
1、On the fourth lap , he started to draw away from the rest.