1、Under the current regime (expiring in 2012), financial rewards for storing carbon through trees were attached only to reforestation or planting new forests.───在当前框架下(于2012年截止),对森林吸收二氧化碳上的经济奖励还只局限在人工造林或培植新林上。
2、This future, however, can only be realized if the current rewards system is replaced by an alternative perspective that truly nurtures the growth of young children.───然而,要看到这样的将来,只能把现有奖励机制变成其他更有利于孩子真正成长的教育管理措施。
3、Third, after an employee has been fully brought on board and begun working, managers should highlight both current rewards and the potential resources offered in future roles.───第三,员工成功加入团队,开始投入工作之后,管理者应该强调员工目前可以获得的回报,以及未来工作岗位可以提供的潜在资源。
current rewards(意思翻译)
current rewards(相似词语短语)
1、omen rewards───预兆奖励
2、financial rewards───物质奖酬,奖金
3、current───adj.现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的;n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流;n. (Current)(英)柯伦特(人名)
4、aspire rewards───渴望奖励
5、review rewards───回顾奖励
6、fandango rewards───fandango奖励
8、gambit rewards───游戏奖励
9、rewards club───奖励俱乐部
current rewards(双语使用场景)
1、Under the current regime (expiring in 2012), financial rewards for storing carbon through trees were attached only to reforestation or planting new forests.───在当前框架下(于2012年截止),对森林吸收二氧化碳上的经济奖励还只局限在人工造林或培植新林上。
2、This future, however, can only be realized if the current rewards system is replaced by an alternative perspective that truly nurtures the growth of young children.───然而,要看到这样的将来,只能把现有奖励机制变成其他更有利于孩子真正成长的教育管理措施。
3、Third, after an employee has been fully brought on board and begun working, managers should highlight both current rewards and the potential resources offered in future roles.───第三,员工成功加入团队,开始投入工作之后,管理者应该强调员工目前可以获得的回报,以及未来工作岗位可以提供的潜在资源。