1、Differential equations are suitable for the mathematical simulation of epidemic and virus dynamics.───微分方程是描述传染病动力学的一种有效的手段。
2、Development of a computer program for Pear Scab Epidemic Simulation Model───梨黑星病流行动态模拟模型程序设计
3、key variables on the control of SARS epidemic through computer simulation methodology, especially to analyze the effect of screening for fever practice during the epidemics.───通过计算机对该模型的FangZhen模拟,分析在突发SARS疫情的情况下,代表主要防控措施的变量对疫情曲线的影响模式和相对强度。
epidemic simulation(意思翻译)
epidemic simulation(相似词语短语)
1、obesity epidemic───肥胖流行症;肥胖病
2、numerical simulation───[计]数值模拟
3、epidemic curve───传染曲线
5、cholera epidemic───霍乱蔓延;霍乱流行
6、propagated epidemic───连续传播性流行
7、fluid simulation───流体模拟
8、epidemic mha───流行性mha
9、crystallization simulation───结晶模拟
epidemic simulation(双语使用场景)
1、Differential equations are suitable for the mathematical simulation of epidemic and virus dynamics.───微分方程是描述传染病动力学的一种有效的手段。
2、Development of a computer program for Pear Scab Epidemic Simulation Model───梨黑星病流行动态模拟模型程序设计
3、key variables on the control of SARS epidemic through computer simulation methodology, especially to analyze the effect of screening for fever practice during the epidemics.───通过计算机对该模型的FangZhen模拟,分析在突发SARS疫情的情况下,代表主要防控措施的变量对疫情曲线的影响模式和相对强度。