1、Once they had been started from cold and had loaded their innards into memory, all four browsers could be restarted and load the home page in five seconds or so.───四款浏览器一旦在冷启动且将内部程序载入内存后,均能在大约5秒内重启并加载主页。
2、If all is well after three or four sessions, increase the running segments by five additional seconds each week.───如果经历了三到四个阶段后一切顺利,那就每周增加五秒穿插的跑步时间。
3、And then the final seconds ticked off: Five! Four! Three! Two! One!───然后,就是最终的几秒的滴答:五!四!三!二!一!
four five seconds(意思翻译)
four five seconds(相似词语短语)
1、take seconds───花几秒钟
2、five four───54
3、split seconds───一刹那;极快的
4、seconds later───几秒钟后
5、60 seconds───60秒
6、five past five───五点零五分
8、four five───45
9、seconds clock───秒钟
four five seconds(双语使用场景)
1、Once they had been started from cold and had loaded their innards into memory, all four browsers could be restarted and load the home page in five seconds or so.───四款浏览器一旦在冷启动且将内部程序载入内存后,均能在大约5秒内重启并加载主页。
2、If all is well after three or four sessions, increase the running segments by five additional seconds each week.───如果经历了三到四个阶段后一切顺利,那就每周增加五秒穿插的跑步时间。
3、And then the final seconds ticked off: Five! Four! Three! Two! One!───然后,就是最终的几秒的滴答:五!四!三!二!一!