1、We've seen clean, functional systems deteriorate pretty quickly once windows start breaking.───我们见过整洁良好的XiTong在出现“破窗”之后立马崩溃。
2、It can also be launched using your default browser by going to the Windows start menu.───也可以通过使用您的默认浏览器访问Windows Start菜单来启动它。要找到您的默认浏览器,请访问Windows Start菜单。
3、By performing a fast detection at Windows start-up you will be alerted with a list of the potential threats identified.───由表演了快速检测,在Windows开始行动,你会提醒一份清单的潜在威胁确定。
4、The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.───其安装程序还允许您在Windows开始菜单中添加squirrel的快捷方式。
5、Start the MMC by clicking Run from the Windows Start menu, then type MMC for the command name.───在Windows开始菜单中单击Run以启动mmc,然后在命令名称中键入mmc。
6、The Apple menu, represented with a small apple icon in the top left of any screen, works like parts of the Windows Start menu.───每个屏幕左上角的小苹果图标所代表的苹果菜单工作方式与Windows开始菜单有些相似。
7、After the installation, I created shortcuts to start and stop the application server and added them to the Windows Start menu.───安装之后,我创建了启动和停止服务器的快捷方式,并将它们添加到Windows的“开始”菜单中。
8、On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Visual Keyboard.───在MicrosoftWindows的“开始”菜单上,依次指向“程序”、“MicrosoftOffice工具”,然后单击“MicrosoftVisualKeyboard”。
9、The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.───其安装程序还允许您在Windows开始菜单中添加SQuirreL的快捷方式。
windows start(英语使用场景)
1、The best - cascading menu lives underneath the Windows Start button.
2、Start the MMC by clicking Run from the Windows Start menu, then type mmc for the command name.
3、Note: If you would like for Classic Windows Start Menu toauto-start with Windows each time you will need to add the appropriateshortcut to the Start Folder.
4、The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.
5、After the installation, I created shortcuts to start and stop the application server and added them to the Windows Start menu.
6、Pressing F8 between system boot and Windows start loads a menu that offers several choices like booting Windows in Safe Mode or Restoring the last known good configuration.
windows start(意思翻译)
windows start(相似词语短语)
1、windows paint───窗户油漆
2、two windows───两扇窗户
3、eyelike windows───眼形窗
6、windows down───车窗关闭
7、windows 10───美国微软公司研发的一款Cao作XiTong
8、curvatech windows───curvatech windows
9、windows laptop───windows笔记本电脑
windows start(双语使用场景)
1、We've seen clean, functional systems deteriorate pretty quickly once windows start breaking.───我们见过整洁良好的XiTong在出现“破窗”之后立马崩溃。
2、It can also be launched using your default browser by going to the Windows start menu.───也可以通过使用您的默认浏览器访问Windows Start菜单来启动它。要找到您的默认浏览器,请访问Windows Start菜单。
3、By performing a fast detection at Windows start-up you will be alerted with a list of the potential threats identified.───由表演了快速检测,在Windows开始行动,你会提醒一份清单的潜在威胁确定。
4、The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.───其安装程序还允许您在Windows开始菜单中添加squirrel的快捷方式。
5、Start the MMC by clicking Run from the Windows Start menu, then type MMC for the command name.───在Windows开始菜单中单击Run以启动mmc,然后在命令名称中键入mmc。
6、The Apple menu, represented with a small apple icon in the top left of any screen, works like parts of the Windows Start menu.───每个屏幕左上角的小苹果图标所代表的苹果菜单工作方式与Windows开始菜单有些相似。
7、After the installation, I created shortcuts to start and stop the application server and added them to the Windows Start menu.───安装之后,我创建了启动和停止服务器的快捷方式,并将它们添加到Windows的“开始”菜单中。
8、On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Visual Keyboard.───在MicrosoftWindows的“开始”菜单上,依次指向“程序”、“MicrosoftOffice工具”,然后单击“MicrosoftVisualKeyboard”。
9、The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.───其安装程序还允许您在Windows开始菜单中添加SQuirreL的快捷方式。
windows start(英语使用场景)
1、The best - cascading menu lives underneath the Windows Start button.
2、Start the MMC by clicking Run from the Windows Start menu, then type mmc for the command name.
3、Note: If you would like for Classic Windows Start Menu toauto-start with Windows each time you will need to add the appropriateshortcut to the Start Folder.
4、The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.
5、After the installation, I created shortcuts to start and stop the application server and added them to the Windows Start menu.
6、Pressing F8 between system boot and Windows start loads a menu that offers several choices like booting Windows in Safe Mode or Restoring the last known good configuration.