7、stack───n.(Stack)(美)斯塔克(人名);n.(整齐的)一堆;(尤指工厂的)DaYan囱;堆栈;(干草或谷物的)堆;竖着置放的高BaoZhen音响设备;定高分层盘旋(等待降落)的机群; (Bu Qiang)枪架;(车辆的)排气管;(浪蚀)岩柱;垛,堆(木材计量单位);v.(使)放成整齐的一叠;(使)成叠地放在……;(令飞机)分层盘旋等待着陆;(洗牌)作弊;跌倒
8、network stack───网络堆栈
interrupt stack(双语使用场景)
1、The interrupt handler is part of the Orinoco module and interacts with the Linux networking stack.───中断处理程序是orinoco模块的一部分,并与Linux网络栈交互。
2、The method separate the interrupt stack from task stack. It will reduce the requirement of the system for RAM.───该方法是将任务堆栈和中断堆栈分离,可减小XiTong对于RAM的需求。
3、Interrupt stack, some architectures have a dedicated interrupt stack.───中断堆栈,某些架构中拥有一个专用的中断堆栈。
4、The Orinoco interrupt service routine populates sk_buffs with data received from the WLAN and passes it on to the IP stack via netif_rx.───orinoco中断服务例程用从WLAN接收的数据填充sk _ buffs,并经由netif_rx将它传送到ip栈。
interrupt stack(英语使用场景)
1、Interrupt Stack, some architectures have a dedicated interrupt stack.
2、The method separate the interrupt stack from task stack. It will reduce the requirement of the system for RAM.
3、This is an important feature in a multithreaded environment, without a dedicated interrupt stack each thread has to reserve enough space, for interrupts servicing, within its own stack.
interrupt stack(意思翻译)
interrupt stack(相似词语短语)
1、expurgation stack───清除堆栈
2、interrupt definition───中断定义
3、stack pointer───[计]栈指针;栈指示器;[计]堆栈指示字;栈指示器; 堆栈指示器; 堆栈指示字; 堆栈指针
4、interrupt media───媒体中断
5、interrupt moderation───中断缓和
6、hoop stack───箍式烟囱
7、stack───n.(Stack)(美)斯塔克(人名);n.(整齐的)一堆;(尤指工厂的)DaYan囱;堆栈;(干草或谷物的)堆;竖着置放的高BaoZhen音响设备;定高分层盘旋(等待降落)的机群; (Bu Qiang)枪架;(车辆的)排气管;(浪蚀)岩柱;垛,堆(木材计量单位);v.(使)放成整齐的一叠;(使)成叠地放在……;(令飞机)分层盘旋等待着陆;(洗牌)作弊;跌倒
8、network stack───网络堆栈
interrupt stack(双语使用场景)
1、The interrupt handler is part of the Orinoco module and interacts with the Linux networking stack.───中断处理程序是orinoco模块的一部分,并与Linux网络栈交互。
2、The method separate the interrupt stack from task stack. It will reduce the requirement of the system for RAM.───该方法是将任务堆栈和中断堆栈分离,可减小XiTong对于RAM的需求。
3、Interrupt stack, some architectures have a dedicated interrupt stack.───中断堆栈,某些架构中拥有一个专用的中断堆栈。
4、The Orinoco interrupt service routine populates sk_buffs with data received from the WLAN and passes it on to the IP stack via netif_rx.───orinoco中断服务例程用从WLAN接收的数据填充sk _ buffs,并经由netif_rx将它传送到ip栈。
interrupt stack(英语使用场景)
1、Interrupt Stack, some architectures have a dedicated interrupt stack.
2、The method separate the interrupt stack from task stack. It will reduce the requirement of the system for RAM.
3、This is an important feature in a multithreaded environment, without a dedicated interrupt stack each thread has to reserve enough space, for interrupts servicing, within its own stack.