2、Outgoing and open minded, can speak frankly, have a sense of humor and able to joke.───传出和开放的态度,可以说老实话,有幽默感,并能够开个玩笑。
3、After all, the French have a sense of humor. Perhaps the judge, when he heard Fillmore's side of the story, would absolve him from marriage.───法国人毕竟是有幽默感的,兴许法官听了菲尔莫的陈述后还会解除他们的婚约呢。
4、Last time Dawn said: "I am tired of you, for you don't have a sense of humor. "───上次黎明的说:“我厌倦了你,你幽默感的人。”
5、A misconception is that Aspies do not have a sense of humor.───亚斯·伯格症的一个误解就是这些人没有幽默感。
6、To be in this place, you have to have a sense of humor or you'll lose your mind.───在这个地方,你必须要有幽默感,不然就疯了。
7、He could have a sense of humor.───他也有一些幽默感。
8、Warning: You'd better have a sense of humor, and a capacity for tolerance.───温馨贴士:你最好有点幽默感和包容心。
9、A prerequisite to success in speaking English, or any foreign language, is to have a sense of humor.───要想说好英语,或者任何其他外语,具有良好的心态是一个先决条件。
have a sense of humor(英语使用场景)
1、Do you have a sense of humor?-Are you interested in professional development?
2、Of course I have a sense of humor. I gave you the platypus, didn't I?
3、It also makes Ministry seem to have a sense of humor, rather than unrelieved anger and alienation.
4、I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have, a sense of humor.
5、It's vital to have a sense of humor in this job.
have a sense of humor(意思翻译)
have a sense of humor(相似词语短语)
2、sense of duty───n.责任感,责任心;n.责任感;责任心
3、full of humor───充满幽默感
4、sense of direction───目标明确;方向感
5、a sense of───一种…...的感觉;一种…感觉
6、make sense of───v.搞清…的意思
7、sense of humor───幽默感,幽默
8、sense of timing───[体]时间感觉
have a sense of humor(双语使用场景)
1、Have a sense of humor.───具有幽默感。
2、Outgoing and open minded, can speak frankly, have a sense of humor and able to joke.───传出和开放的态度,可以说老实话,有幽默感,并能够开个玩笑。
3、After all, the French have a sense of humor. Perhaps the judge, when he heard Fillmore's side of the story, would absolve him from marriage.───法国人毕竟是有幽默感的,兴许法官听了菲尔莫的陈述后还会解除他们的婚约呢。
4、Last time Dawn said: "I am tired of you, for you don't have a sense of humor. "───上次黎明的说:“我厌倦了你,你幽默感的人。”
5、A misconception is that Aspies do not have a sense of humor.───亚斯·伯格症的一个误解就是这些人没有幽默感。
6、To be in this place, you have to have a sense of humor or you'll lose your mind.───在这个地方,你必须要有幽默感,不然就疯了。
7、He could have a sense of humor.───他也有一些幽默感。
8、Warning: You'd better have a sense of humor, and a capacity for tolerance.───温馨贴士:你最好有点幽默感和包容心。
9、A prerequisite to success in speaking English, or any foreign language, is to have a sense of humor.───要想说好英语,或者任何其他外语,具有良好的心态是一个先决条件。
have a sense of humor(英语使用场景)
1、Do you have a sense of humor?-Are you interested in professional development?
2、Of course I have a sense of humor. I gave you the platypus, didn't I?
3、It also makes Ministry seem to have a sense of humor, rather than unrelieved anger and alienation.
4、I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have, a sense of humor.
5、It's vital to have a sense of humor in this job.