9、amir───n.埃米尔 (Mu Si Lin);贵族;n.(Amir)人名;(ALa伯、以、英)阿米尔(参见Emir)
1、Start a new instance using your AMI.───使用您的AMI启动一个新实例。
2、At the age of one-and-a-half, Yuhi doesn't understand that his mother is gone, explains Ami Kozuchi, his aunt.───年仅一岁半的愉阳不懂母亲已逝的意思,他的姑姑亚美子智说道。
3、You just pick the size you need and deploy your AMI.───您只需选择适合自己需要的规模并部署 AMI。
4、I stayed with Ami.───我和艾米呆在一起。
5、If the responsesare short or not forthcoming, then I take it to the phone. Only then amI able to get a sense of what the client is about.───假如只接收到简短的回应或者沟通不到位,那么我就打电话过去,只有这样我才能得到客户的明确想法。
6、If you suspect a problem with any of the AMI's software products, refer to the troubleshooting section of that product's information center.───如果您怀疑某一个AMI的软件产品出现问题,请参考该产品的信息中心的故障排除部分。
7、Choose any destination that will be easy to remember so that you can upload the EAR file to the AMI instance later.───选择一个易于记忆的目的地,稍后您就可以上传EAR文件到AMI实例。
8、And Ben-Ami said he expects more small, luxury items to turn up in future excavations.───然而本-阿米说,他盼望在今后的发掘中遇到更多的小件奢侈品。
9、Software appliances come in the form of a file which can be a virtual machine image, an ISO, a USB key image, or an Amazon EC2 AMI.───软件设备以文件的形式出现,该文件可以是虚拟机映像、ISO、USBkey映像或是AmazonEC2AMI。
1、Conclusion:AMI is caused by sudden coronary occlusion of thrombus.
2、Conclusion MCE can quantitate microcirculation perfusion in AMI patients.
3、Conclusion During the onset of AMI, TFP is initiated and the blood is in hypercoagulable state.
4、Objective To analyze the effect of atenolol and enalapril on patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in order to displaying the effect of medicine on the function of autonomous nervous system.
5、WordPerfect 5.0, Samna's Ami and Windows Word being typical examples.
6、Objective To explore the relation between the severity of coronary artery disease, prognosis and leukocytosis in acute myocardial infarction(AMI).
7、For example, Ami Pro has a charting module that makes it very easy to include graphs in your documents.
8、All the AMI patients were divided into remodeling group and non remodeling according to the changes of left ventricular volume index(LEVI) within 3 months.
9、As will be seen by the illustrations, Basler and Professional/AMI have come up with very different looking installations.
abbr.高级材料情报 (Advanced Material Information);美国食用肉类研究所 (American Meat Institute);航空英\u
1、-ami───abbr.高级材料情报 (Advanced Material Information);美国食用肉类研究所 (American Meat Institute);航空英里指示器 (Air Mileage Indicator);n.(Ami)人名;(匈)奥米;(法、西、以、德)阿米
3、Sami───n.萨米人;萨米 (Lapp)
6、amia───国际会计师公会颁发的联席会员证书 (Affiliate Memberof A I A);n.(Amia)人名;(英)埃米娅
9、amir───n.埃米尔 (Mu Si Lin);贵族;n.(Amir)人名;(ALa伯、以、英)阿米尔(参见Emir)
1、Start a new instance using your AMI.───使用您的AMI启动一个新实例。
2、At the age of one-and-a-half, Yuhi doesn't understand that his mother is gone, explains Ami Kozuchi, his aunt.───年仅一岁半的愉阳不懂母亲已逝的意思,他的姑姑亚美子智说道。
3、You just pick the size you need and deploy your AMI.───您只需选择适合自己需要的规模并部署 AMI。
4、I stayed with Ami.───我和艾米呆在一起。
5、If the responsesare short or not forthcoming, then I take it to the phone. Only then amI able to get a sense of what the client is about.───假如只接收到简短的回应或者沟通不到位,那么我就打电话过去,只有这样我才能得到客户的明确想法。
6、If you suspect a problem with any of the AMI's software products, refer to the troubleshooting section of that product's information center.───如果您怀疑某一个AMI的软件产品出现问题,请参考该产品的信息中心的故障排除部分。
7、Choose any destination that will be easy to remember so that you can upload the EAR file to the AMI instance later.───选择一个易于记忆的目的地,稍后您就可以上传EAR文件到AMI实例。
8、And Ben-Ami said he expects more small, luxury items to turn up in future excavations.───然而本-阿米说,他盼望在今后的发掘中遇到更多的小件奢侈品。
9、Software appliances come in the form of a file which can be a virtual machine image, an ISO, a USB key image, or an Amazon EC2 AMI.───软件设备以文件的形式出现,该文件可以是虚拟机映像、ISO、USBkey映像或是AmazonEC2AMI。
1、Conclusion:AMI is caused by sudden coronary occlusion of thrombus.
2、Conclusion MCE can quantitate microcirculation perfusion in AMI patients.
3、Conclusion During the onset of AMI, TFP is initiated and the blood is in hypercoagulable state.
4、Objective To analyze the effect of atenolol and enalapril on patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in order to displaying the effect of medicine on the function of autonomous nervous system.
5、WordPerfect 5.0, Samna's Ami and Windows Word being typical examples.
6、Objective To explore the relation between the severity of coronary artery disease, prognosis and leukocytosis in acute myocardial infarction(AMI).
7、For example, Ami Pro has a charting module that makes it very easy to include graphs in your documents.
8、All the AMI patients were divided into remodeling group and non remodeling according to the changes of left ventricular volume index(LEVI) within 3 months.
9、As will be seen by the illustrations, Basler and Professional/AMI have come up with very different looking installations.