1、also quibble, you can not eat food less increase it? Guzhe eat all day. You talk about, this month you how much weight gain?───还狡辩,物价上升你们不可以吃少一点吗?整天顾着吃。你自己说说,这个月你体重上升多少了?
2、Eat too much, so the more be helpful for reducing weight. And we recommend that you can eat every meal 70% full, eat much food less.───吃太多,这样更有利于减肥。还有我们建议大家每顿饭只能吃七成饱,少吃多餐,这样不仅能很好的减肥,也能更好的养生。
3、Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant.───花时间给食物拍照会让食物变得不那么美味。
4、Put less food on your plate.───你的盘子里少放点食物。
5、Eat fat food less, no-noSmokeWine, answer to often maintain defecate unobstructed .───少吃油腻食物,禁忌烟酒,并应经常保持DaBian通畅。
6、This morning I got up drank some unboiled water. Eat a lot of junk food, less than 1 hour of my stomach to severe pain.───这个早上我起床喝了些生水。吃了很多的垃圾食品,不到1个小时我的肚子就痛的厉害。
7、They dine out an average of three times a week and eat fast food less than once a week.───他们平均每周外出就餐3次,而且每周吃快餐的次数不足一次。
8、The survivors -- leaderless, lawless, food less -- began to return to order.───这些无领袖,无法律,无食品的幸存者们开始恢复秩序。
food less(英语使用场景)
1、Disease may dampen down the appetite, and a diminution in the senses of taste or smell may make food less appealing.
2、In food the respect must notice to eat acrimony, panbroiling food less, still have eat dried fruit to cause aphtha very easily also.
3、At ordinary times the person with serious mouthfeel, this what is appropriate to the occasion eats hot food less, wait like chaffy dish barbecue, food keeps delicate, eat vegetable more.
4、Davis writes that jumbo-sized produce contains more dry matter than anything else, which dilutes mineral concentrations. In other words, when it comes to growing food, less is more.
food less(意思翻译)
food less(相似词语短语)
1、jie less───洁少
2、materially less───实质上更少
4、less clogistics───不那么郁闷
5、less and less───越来越少;越来越少的;越来越小[少]地
6、less steam───更少的蒸汽
7、lesser less───更少
8、food less gas───少食少气
9、less chips───更少的ChouMa
food less(双语使用场景)
1、also quibble, you can not eat food less increase it? Guzhe eat all day. You talk about, this month you how much weight gain?───还狡辩,物价上升你们不可以吃少一点吗?整天顾着吃。你自己说说,这个月你体重上升多少了?
2、Eat too much, so the more be helpful for reducing weight. And we recommend that you can eat every meal 70% full, eat much food less.───吃太多,这样更有利于减肥。还有我们建议大家每顿饭只能吃七成饱,少吃多餐,这样不仅能很好的减肥,也能更好的养生。
3、Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant.───花时间给食物拍照会让食物变得不那么美味。
4、Put less food on your plate.───你的盘子里少放点食物。
5、Eat fat food less, no-noSmokeWine, answer to often maintain defecate unobstructed .───少吃油腻食物,禁忌烟酒,并应经常保持DaBian通畅。
6、This morning I got up drank some unboiled water. Eat a lot of junk food, less than 1 hour of my stomach to severe pain.───这个早上我起床喝了些生水。吃了很多的垃圾食品,不到1个小时我的肚子就痛的厉害。
7、They dine out an average of three times a week and eat fast food less than once a week.───他们平均每周外出就餐3次,而且每周吃快餐的次数不足一次。
8、The survivors -- leaderless, lawless, food less -- began to return to order.───这些无领袖,无法律,无食品的幸存者们开始恢复秩序。
food less(英语使用场景)
1、Disease may dampen down the appetite, and a diminution in the senses of taste or smell may make food less appealing.
2、In food the respect must notice to eat acrimony, panbroiling food less, still have eat dried fruit to cause aphtha very easily also.
3、At ordinary times the person with serious mouthfeel, this what is appropriate to the occasion eats hot food less, wait like chaffy dish barbecue, food keeps delicate, eat vegetable more.
4、Davis writes that jumbo-sized produce contains more dry matter than anything else, which dilutes mineral concentrations. In other words, when it comes to growing food, less is more.