1、But it is only indirectly and remotely a plan for saving money.───不过这仍然只是一个间接、远期的省钱的计划。
2、I didn't have any sort of concrete plan for what to do with my money, especially not one that was larger than saving for a new gadget or toy.───我没有一个如何安排开支的具体计划,特别是没有比为一个新的小玩意儿和玩具而储蓄更大的计划。
3、Although selling shares in losing funds can be smart for those who plan to declare a loss on their taxes, many people have shifted money into saving accounts and money market funds.───尽管ChuShou股票对于那些计划申报纳税损失的人有利,但是很多人已经将资金转为储蓄和货币市场基金。
money saving plan(意思翻译)
money saving plan(相似词语短语)
1、money money───钱钱
2、money money money───钱钱钱
3、saving graces───vt.可取之处,长处;可以弥补缺点的优点;n.可取之处,长处( saving grace的名词复数 )
4、daylight saving───夏令时(指在夏季把标准时间拨早1小时);n.日光节约时间
5、daytime saving───日间储蓄
6、saving grace───vt.可取之处,长处;可以弥补缺点的优点;n.可取之处,长处
7、energy saving───[能源]节能,能源节省
9、saving money───省钱;储蓄金钱
money saving plan(双语使用场景)
1、But it is only indirectly and remotely a plan for saving money.───不过这仍然只是一个间接、远期的省钱的计划。
2、I didn't have any sort of concrete plan for what to do with my money, especially not one that was larger than saving for a new gadget or toy.───我没有一个如何安排开支的具体计划,特别是没有比为一个新的小玩意儿和玩具而储蓄更大的计划。
3、Although selling shares in losing funds can be smart for those who plan to declare a loss on their taxes, many people have shifted money into saving accounts and money market funds.───尽管ChuShou股票对于那些计划申报纳税损失的人有利,但是很多人已经将资金转为储蓄和货币市场基金。