1、My brother once gave the Professor a toy, a bird that balanced on the edge of a bowl of water and repeatedly dunked its head in the water.───我兄弟曾送给教授一个玩具,那是一只立在盛水的碗边保持平衡并反复把头浸入水中的鸟。
2、The coolest toy: an infrared -thermometer gun that takes readings of thermal pools when pointed at the water.───最酷的玩具:一把能在指向水源时测出温泉水温的红外线热感枪。
3、once said her only toy was a hot-water bottle she dressed in doll's clothes.───曾说,她小时候唯一的玩具就是被她套上洋娃娃衣服的一个热水瓶。
water toy(意思翻译)
water toy(相似词语短语)
1、chew toy───咀嚼玩具
2、toy world───玩具世界
3、toy animal───n.玩具动物
4、toy bears───玩具熊
6、toy doll───玩具娃娃
7、makes toy───制造玩具
8、handcuffs toy───ShouKao玩具
9、solenodon toy───solenodon玩具
water toy(双语使用场景)
1、My brother once gave the Professor a toy, a bird that balanced on the edge of a bowl of water and repeatedly dunked its head in the water.───我兄弟曾送给教授一个玩具,那是一只立在盛水的碗边保持平衡并反复把头浸入水中的鸟。
2、The coolest toy: an infrared -thermometer gun that takes readings of thermal pools when pointed at the water.───最酷的玩具:一把能在指向水源时测出温泉水温的红外线热感枪。
3、once said her only toy was a hot-water bottle she dressed in doll's clothes.───曾说,她小时候唯一的玩具就是被她套上洋娃娃衣服的一个热水瓶。