10、attirement of the bride max ernst───新娘马克斯·恩斯特的着装
1、Before Guardiola could start to explain that which the sports commentators were gossiping about, Menotti asked for a whiskey and the waiter brought him an empty glass full of ice.───在瓜迪奥拉准备开始解释这是哪个体育评论员的传闻的时候,梅诺蒂找服务员要了一杯威士忌,但是服务员却给了他一个装满冰的杯子。
2、restaurant in Belgrano, Menotti waited for him to talk about football.───在贝尔格拉诺的一家餐厅坐着,梅诺蒂等着和他一起谈论足球。
3、In 1978 the Argentinian trainer Menotti didn't convoke Maradona, as he considered him too young.───阿根廷教练麦诺提 (Menotti)考虑到他年幼,没有召集马拉多纳。
4、Sitting at a restaurant in Belgrano, Menotti waited for him to talk about football.───在贝尔格拉诺的一家餐厅坐着,梅诺蒂等着和他一起谈论足球。
n. (Menotti)人名;(英、意、葡)梅诺蒂
1、forementioned site───前场
2、working men cast───工人演员
3、inducements defined───定义诱因
4、bernicke investment───伯尼克投资
5、ornamental column───装饰柱
6、allegorical element───寓言成分
7、commenting on the saying───评说
8、entanglements meaning───纠缠的意义
9、monuments definition───纪念碑定义
10、attirement of the bride max ernst───新娘马克斯·恩斯特的着装
1、Before Guardiola could start to explain that which the sports commentators were gossiping about, Menotti asked for a whiskey and the waiter brought him an empty glass full of ice.───在瓜迪奥拉准备开始解释这是哪个体育评论员的传闻的时候,梅诺蒂找服务员要了一杯威士忌,但是服务员却给了他一个装满冰的杯子。
2、restaurant in Belgrano, Menotti waited for him to talk about football.───在贝尔格拉诺的一家餐厅坐着,梅诺蒂等着和他一起谈论足球。
3、In 1978 the Argentinian trainer Menotti didn't convoke Maradona, as he considered him too young.───阿根廷教练麦诺提 (Menotti)考虑到他年幼,没有召集马拉多纳。
4、Sitting at a restaurant in Belgrano, Menotti waited for him to talk about football.───在贝尔格拉诺的一家餐厅坐着,梅诺蒂等着和他一起谈论足球。