1、"Without a normal democratic development this country will have no future, " he said at a televised meeting with prominent arts figures.───“如果没有正常的民主进程,这个国家是没有将来的。”他在与DingJi艺术家的电视座谈中说。
2、I have no future.”───我没有未来”。
3、Chinese cinema will have no future if we do not let the young generation give full play to their talent.───如果我们不让年轻一代充分施展他们的才华,中国电影业不会有未来的。
4、Those who do not look back have no past. Those who do not look forward have no future.───不肯回顾传统的人,没有过去;不愿瞻望前景的人,没有未来。
5、China would have no future if it did not follow the socialist road.───不走社会主义道路中国就没有前途。
6、Without dreams, we have no future.───没有梦想就没有未来。
7、But let me not go too far in suggesting that asset classes near the perimeter of risk have no future.───但我还是得讲得审慎点,免得大家以为我在暗示风险较高的资产类别全无前途。
8、Comrade Deng XiaoPing once said: The country which has no national economy and no fist products will have no future.───DengXiaoPing同志曾经说,没有自己的民?工业,没有自己的拳头产品,这个国家就没有前途。
9、It's clear that petrol-driven engines have no future.───显然,汽油发动机没有前途。
have no future(英语使用场景)
1、Broadly-based companies without differentiated products have no future, he says.
2、Its members reckon their enterprises have no future without price controls and government subsidies.
3、But those ideologies now have no future except in the history books.
4、The 10 pits excluded from the inquiry, though technically under independent review, have no future.
have no future(意思翻译)
have no future(相似词语短语)
1、you have no───你没有
3、have no money───没有钱
4、have no equal───无人能比,无出其右;无出其右;莫与之京
5、have no bmutant───没有什么变化
6、have no way───无从;没有办法;无从;无奈何;无由
7、have no token───没有代币
8、i have no───我没有……
9、l have no───我没有
have no future(双语使用场景)
1、"Without a normal democratic development this country will have no future, " he said at a televised meeting with prominent arts figures.───“如果没有正常的民主进程,这个国家是没有将来的。”他在与DingJi艺术家的电视座谈中说。
2、I have no future.”───我没有未来”。
3、Chinese cinema will have no future if we do not let the young generation give full play to their talent.───如果我们不让年轻一代充分施展他们的才华,中国电影业不会有未来的。
4、Those who do not look back have no past. Those who do not look forward have no future.───不肯回顾传统的人,没有过去;不愿瞻望前景的人,没有未来。
5、China would have no future if it did not follow the socialist road.───不走社会主义道路中国就没有前途。
6、Without dreams, we have no future.───没有梦想就没有未来。
7、But let me not go too far in suggesting that asset classes near the perimeter of risk have no future.───但我还是得讲得审慎点,免得大家以为我在暗示风险较高的资产类别全无前途。
8、Comrade Deng XiaoPing once said: The country which has no national economy and no fist products will have no future.───DengXiaoPing同志曾经说,没有自己的民?工业,没有自己的拳头产品,这个国家就没有前途。
9、It's clear that petrol-driven engines have no future.───显然,汽油发动机没有前途。
have no future(英语使用场景)
1、Broadly-based companies without differentiated products have no future, he says.
2、Its members reckon their enterprises have no future without price controls and government subsidies.
3、But those ideologies now have no future except in the history books.
4、The 10 pits excluded from the inquiry, though technically under independent review, have no future.