1、So if you reach for your toes and hold that position, tautening your hamstrings, you might not then be able to leap as high or start a sprint as forcefully as if you hadn't stretched.───来说,他们发现静态拉伸会暂时抑制身体爆发力。 所以如果保持手触脚趾的姿势,拉伸腿筋,结果可能还是不拉伸的情况下跳得更高,或冲刺得更有力。
2、long time, the Physical Exercises hold the important position in the physics teaching of high school.───一直以来,物理习题在中学物理教学中占据着重要的地位。
3、Tom wants to be a lawyer because he feels it is a very prestigious occupation, and he has always wanted to hold a high position in society───汤姆想当一名律师,因为他觉得律师是个有名望体面的职业,而且他一直想占据高位
4、Why are some women ugly and terribly rough in manner but hold a high position in life and are rich ?───为什麽有些女人面貌丑陋,体态粗劣,望之可怖,但是大富大贵?
hold a high position(意思翻译)
hold a high position(相似词语短语)
1、in a position───能够做;处于…状态
2、hold a ceremony───举行仪式
3、hold a sign───举个牌子
4、a high───GaoChao
5、high a───高a
6、hold a line───等一下
8、hold a meeting───开会;举行会议;举行会; 开会
9、take a position───(证券商)轧进头寸;持仓(保持一批证券不出手);占据头寸
hold a high position(双语使用场景)
1、So if you reach for your toes and hold that position, tautening your hamstrings, you might not then be able to leap as high or start a sprint as forcefully as if you hadn't stretched.───来说,他们发现静态拉伸会暂时抑制身体爆发力。 所以如果保持手触脚趾的姿势,拉伸腿筋,结果可能还是不拉伸的情况下跳得更高,或冲刺得更有力。
2、long time, the Physical Exercises hold the important position in the physics teaching of high school.───一直以来,物理习题在中学物理教学中占据着重要的地位。
3、Tom wants to be a lawyer because he feels it is a very prestigious occupation, and he has always wanted to hold a high position in society───汤姆想当一名律师,因为他觉得律师是个有名望体面的职业,而且他一直想占据高位
4、Why are some women ugly and terribly rough in manner but hold a high position in life and are rich ?───为什麽有些女人面貌丑陋,体态粗劣,望之可怖,但是大富大贵?