1、And bubonic plague, spread by rat fleas, is normally preceded by the death of hordes of rats (only then do the fleas opt for humans). Yet no one in 1348 recorded this.───黑死病由鼠蚤传播,在此之前通常都有大批的老鼠死亡(只有在这时跳蚤才选择人类作宿主),但在1348年没有人记录下这些。
2、Objective: To investigate the constituent of flea species, the dominant fleas and their spatial distribution patterns in the natural epidemic focus of wild-rat type of plague in Yunnan province.───目的:调查研究云南省野鼠型自然疫源地蚤类组成、优势蚤种及其空间分布格局。
the plague rat(意思翻译)
the plague rat(相似词语短语)
1、deadly plague───致命瘟疫
2、the rat sat───老鼠坐着
3、of the rat───老鼠的
4、rat───vi.捕鼠;背叛,告密;n. (Rat)(法、意、印、瑞典)拉特;(泰)叻(人名);n.鼠;卑鄙小人,叛徒
6、zac the rat───老鼠扎克
7、the rat race───无休止的竞争;激烈的竞争;[电影]夺命乐器
8、camus the plague───加缪瘟疫
9、Zat the Rat───干掉老鼠。
the plague rat(双语使用场景)
1、And bubonic plague, spread by rat fleas, is normally preceded by the death of hordes of rats (only then do the fleas opt for humans). Yet no one in 1348 recorded this.───黑死病由鼠蚤传播,在此之前通常都有大批的老鼠死亡(只有在这时跳蚤才选择人类作宿主),但在1348年没有人记录下这些。
2、Objective: To investigate the constituent of flea species, the dominant fleas and their spatial distribution patterns in the natural epidemic focus of wild-rat type of plague in Yunnan province.───目的:调查研究云南省野鼠型自然疫源地蚤类组成、优势蚤种及其空间分布格局。