1、Costa Rica is the only signatory country not to have ratified the trade accord, which has come into force elsewhere in Central America.───在涉约国中,哥斯达黎加是唯一一个还没在贸易协定上签字的,而在其它中美洲国家,该协定已经开始投入执行了。
2、must be signed by the Company's authorized signatory.───应当由公司授权人员签名。
3、Prior parties refers to other debtors of an instrument who endorsed it prior to its endorsement by a specific signatory or bearer.───前手是指在票据签章人或者持票人之前签章的其他票据债务人。
4、India is a party to the New York Convention, which should mean that awards rendered in any signatory country are enforceable in any other.───印度签署了《纽约公约》,而公约规定在任何签约了的国家做出的审判在其他签约国均有效。
5、OECD bureaucrats and fellow members scrutinise each signatory to see how rigorously they investigate and punish foreign corrupt practices.───经济合作与发展组织的官僚机构和每个签约国,将互相监督他们如何审查和制裁境外行贿。
6、Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.───他们的工作是检查以确认没有任一签署国违背该协议。
7、Companies from signatory nations are committed to capping their greenhouse-gas emissions.───来自缔约国的企业必须降低温室气体排放量。
8、There was no immediate comment from Spain, a signatory to the cluster munition convention, on the provenance of the bombs.───目前ZhaDan的来源地并且签署了子母弹协议的西班牙没有发表任何声明。
9、The report pointed out that Burma had been a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child since Aug.───该报告指出,缅甸自1991年8月15日开始,就已经是儿童权利公约的签约国。
1、authorized signatory───[法]授权签字人
1、Costa Rica is the only signatory country not to have ratified the trade accord, which has come into force elsewhere in Central America.───在涉约国中,哥斯达黎加是唯一一个还没在贸易协定上签字的,而在其它中美洲国家,该协定已经开始投入执行了。
2、must be signed by the Company's authorized signatory.───应当由公司授权人员签名。
3、Prior parties refers to other debtors of an instrument who endorsed it prior to its endorsement by a specific signatory or bearer.───前手是指在票据签章人或者持票人之前签章的其他票据债务人。
4、India is a party to the New York Convention, which should mean that awards rendered in any signatory country are enforceable in any other.───印度签署了《纽约公约》,而公约规定在任何签约了的国家做出的审判在其他签约国均有效。
5、OECD bureaucrats and fellow members scrutinise each signatory to see how rigorously they investigate and punish foreign corrupt practices.───经济合作与发展组织的官僚机构和每个签约国,将互相监督他们如何审查和制裁境外行贿。
6、Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.───他们的工作是检查以确认没有任一签署国违背该协议。
7、Companies from signatory nations are committed to capping their greenhouse-gas emissions.───来自缔约国的企业必须降低温室气体排放量。
8、There was no immediate comment from Spain, a signatory to the cluster munition convention, on the provenance of the bombs.───目前ZhaDan的来源地并且签署了子母弹协议的西班牙没有发表任何声明。
9、The report pointed out that Burma had been a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child since Aug.───该报告指出,缅甸自1991年8月15日开始,就已经是儿童权利公约的签约国。