1、Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins.───每年秋天,当蔬菜成熟时,孩子们选一些大大的桔黄色的南瓜。
2、Yogurt fruit of this kind of food is often can eat, children can eat some.───酸奶水果这类食品属于可经常食用类,孩子可以多吃一些。
3、Studies show that when children watch lots of TV, they eat more unhealthy food.───研究表明,当孩子们看很多电视的时候,他们会吃更多不健康的食物。
4、And, no, I don't eat children (human children, at least).───等等,不,我不吃小孩(至少不吃人类小孩)。
5、He told these children that they could eat the marshmallow at once, or wait until he came back and get two marshmallows.───他告诉这些孩子,他们可以立即吃掉棉花糖,或者等他回来,然后得到两块棉花糖。
6、Steamed and coated with vinegar and garlic to eat children.───蒸熟了,沾上醋和蒜泥儿吃。
7、The old woman is not really so nice. She is a witch, and she likes to eat children!───这个老婆婆才没那么好心,她是个女巫,而且喜欢吃小孩!
8、At noon, my brother and me to eat children, set, cook a toy send us one bowl. I am very happy to get the toy.───到了中午,我和弟弟吃儿童套餐,厨师送我们一人一个玩具碗。拿到了玩具我很开心。
eat children(意思翻译)
eat children(相似词语短语)
1、firstborn children───长子
2、eat eat fat───吃脂肪
4、a children───一个孩子
5、eat and eat───吃啊吃啊
6、children songs───儿童歌曲
7、foster children───寄养儿童;养子或养女
8、cremating children───火化儿童
eat children(双语使用场景)
1、Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins.───每年秋天,当蔬菜成熟时,孩子们选一些大大的桔黄色的南瓜。
2、Yogurt fruit of this kind of food is often can eat, children can eat some.───酸奶水果这类食品属于可经常食用类,孩子可以多吃一些。
3、Studies show that when children watch lots of TV, they eat more unhealthy food.───研究表明,当孩子们看很多电视的时候,他们会吃更多不健康的食物。
4、And, no, I don't eat children (human children, at least).───等等,不,我不吃小孩(至少不吃人类小孩)。
5、He told these children that they could eat the marshmallow at once, or wait until he came back and get two marshmallows.───他告诉这些孩子,他们可以立即吃掉棉花糖,或者等他回来,然后得到两块棉花糖。
6、Steamed and coated with vinegar and garlic to eat children.───蒸熟了,沾上醋和蒜泥儿吃。
7、The old woman is not really so nice. She is a witch, and she likes to eat children!───这个老婆婆才没那么好心,她是个女巫,而且喜欢吃小孩!
8、At noon, my brother and me to eat children, set, cook a toy send us one bowl. I am very happy to get the toy.───到了中午,我和弟弟吃儿童套餐,厨师送我们一人一个玩具碗。拿到了玩具我很开心。
9、Come on, children, eat them up!───孩子们,快来把它们吃完!