1、It is the wildest of the wild, a glacier-scoured terrain unmarred by roads, tugged at by wind, on the shoulder of the Continental Divide.───它是荒野中的荒野,狂风撕扯着这片位于DaLu分水岭一侧的土地,被远古冰川打磨出来的地形仍未刻上道路的疤痕。
2、A team of scientists estimates that wind turbines in the continental U. S. could produce 16 times more electricity than we currently use.───一个科学家小组预测,在美国的风能涡轮机能产生我们目前所用电量的16倍还多。
3、Characteristics of activity and sediment of wind-sand current in Xinjiang line of New Eurasian Continental Bridge;───测速性能和频响特性,以及风沙流环境测速的可行性。
continental wind(意思翻译)
continental wind(相似词语短语)
1、continental congress───[法] DaLu会议
3、continental divide───美国DaLu洛矶山脉分水岭;DaLu分水岭
4、continental shelf───n.[海洋]DaLu架;n.DaLu架
5、continental glaciers───[地理][水文]DaLu性冰川;[地理][水文]DaLu冰川
6、continental breakfast───n.欧式早餐;欧式早餐(仅有咖啡和果酱面包)
7、continental drift───n.DaLu漂移;[地物]DaLu漂移说
9、continental shelves───n.[海洋]DaLu架
continental wind(双语使用场景)
1、It is the wildest of the wild, a glacier-scoured terrain unmarred by roads, tugged at by wind, on the shoulder of the Continental Divide.───它是荒野中的荒野,狂风撕扯着这片位于DaLu分水岭一侧的土地,被远古冰川打磨出来的地形仍未刻上道路的疤痕。
2、A team of scientists estimates that wind turbines in the continental U. S. could produce 16 times more electricity than we currently use.───一个科学家小组预测,在美国的风能涡轮机能产生我们目前所用电量的16倍还多。
3、Characteristics of activity and sediment of wind-sand current in Xinjiang line of New Eurasian Continental Bridge;───测速性能和频响特性,以及风沙流环境测速的可行性。