1、To stop myself making blunders at work I look at my diary each night to see whom I will come into contact with.───为了使自己停止再在工作中犯误,我每个晚上翻看日记,看第二天我将联系谁。
2、Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes I work at night.───我有时白天工作,有时晚上工作。
3、She used to work during night. I used to come home at midnight or 2 or even 3 o 'clock.───她在晚上工作,我则时常到了半夜或者2点甚至3点才回家。
4、Today, I work at night, so my next class I can't go and would like leave you to your approval.───今天我上夜班,所以下节课我就上不了了,特此向您请假请您批准。
5、Before I used to go and work from six in the morning to six at night.───之前我都是早上六点起来工作晚上六点手工。
6、My tail is yellow, but my ears and nose are white. I work at night.───我的尾巴是黄的,但是我的耳朵和鼻子是白的。
i work at night(意思翻译)
i work at night(相似词语短语)
1、at work───有某种影响;在工作;在工作;上班
2、at night───在夜里; 夜间; 夜来
3、i work at───我在公司工作
4、work at───从事于……;致力于……;在…工作; 从事于…,致力于…
5、i work───我工作
6、zoharwolf night work───佐哈沃尔夫夜班
7、i am at work───我在工作
8、work at night───夜间工作
9、live at night───晚上住
i work at night(双语使用场景)
1、To stop myself making blunders at work I look at my diary each night to see whom I will come into contact with.───为了使自己停止再在工作中犯误,我每个晚上翻看日记,看第二天我将联系谁。
2、Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes I work at night.───我有时白天工作,有时晚上工作。
3、She used to work during night. I used to come home at midnight or 2 or even 3 o 'clock.───她在晚上工作,我则时常到了半夜或者2点甚至3点才回家。
4、Today, I work at night, so my next class I can't go and would like leave you to your approval.───今天我上夜班,所以下节课我就上不了了,特此向您请假请您批准。
5、Before I used to go and work from six in the morning to six at night.───之前我都是早上六点起来工作晚上六点手工。
6、My tail is yellow, but my ears and nose are white. I work at night.───我的尾巴是黄的,但是我的耳朵和鼻子是白的。