1、She jockeyed for a good position in her company.───她运用手段谋取公司里的好职位。
2、Taxis and vans with suitcases piled on the roofs jockeyed for a better place in line.───车顶堆满货物的出租车和货车找更安全的地方。
3、While Japan never overtook the U. S. in the overall number of high-end supercomputers, its fastest machines often jockeyed with U. S. systems for the top spot.───日本虽然在高端超级计算机的总体数量方面从未超过美国,但在运算速度方面经常能跟美国一决高下。
4、The runners jockeyed for position at the start.───赛跑选手力求抢占起跑有利位置。
5、Everyone jockeyed for the best position, climbing seats and stepping on railings in an effort to gain the most favorable vantage point.───所有的人都在希望找一个最佳位置,有的人站在座椅上,有的踩在栏杆上,努力占据最有利的位置。
6、No trope of stagecraft went unexplored this week as the United States jockeyed for advantage in a high-level economic dialogue with China.───中国人以为他们在看美国大戏呢。美国人在本周与中国高层的经济对话中为占先机可谓无所不用其极。
7、Now that aches and pains have jockeyed for prominence with scoreboard success, several teams are hustling toward the regular-season finish line in less-than-perfect health.───现在伤病似乎已经成为了影响比分板上的胜利的一个主要因素。 一些球队在常规赛中似乎总是受到伤病的困扰。
8、We jockeyed for position at the bar to enjoy the football match.───我们在酒吧抢先占了个好位置来看球赛。
jockeyed for(英语使用场景)
1、As the singer came on stage, the photographers jockeyed for position at the front of the hall.
jockeyed for(意思翻译)
jockeyed for(相似词语短语)
1、for better for worse───无论是好是坏
2、nice for secret for───很好的秘密
3、gluttons for for punishment───贪图惩罚
6、for me for you───为了我为了你
7、for her for───为了她为了
8、as for for───至于
9、one for two for───两个人一个
jockeyed for(双语使用场景)
1、She jockeyed for a good position in her company.───她运用手段谋取公司里的好职位。
2、Taxis and vans with suitcases piled on the roofs jockeyed for a better place in line.───车顶堆满货物的出租车和货车找更安全的地方。
3、While Japan never overtook the U. S. in the overall number of high-end supercomputers, its fastest machines often jockeyed with U. S. systems for the top spot.───日本虽然在高端超级计算机的总体数量方面从未超过美国,但在运算速度方面经常能跟美国一决高下。
4、The runners jockeyed for position at the start.───赛跑选手力求抢占起跑有利位置。
5、Everyone jockeyed for the best position, climbing seats and stepping on railings in an effort to gain the most favorable vantage point.───所有的人都在希望找一个最佳位置,有的人站在座椅上,有的踩在栏杆上,努力占据最有利的位置。
6、No trope of stagecraft went unexplored this week as the United States jockeyed for advantage in a high-level economic dialogue with China.───中国人以为他们在看美国大戏呢。美国人在本周与中国高层的经济对话中为占先机可谓无所不用其极。
7、Now that aches and pains have jockeyed for prominence with scoreboard success, several teams are hustling toward the regular-season finish line in less-than-perfect health.───现在伤病似乎已经成为了影响比分板上的胜利的一个主要因素。 一些球队在常规赛中似乎总是受到伤病的困扰。
8、We jockeyed for position at the bar to enjoy the football match.───我们在酒吧抢先占了个好位置来看球赛。
jockeyed for(英语使用场景)
1、As the singer came on stage, the photographers jockeyed for position at the front of the hall.
2、The runners jockeyed for position at the start.