1、People living on the banks of this lake earn money from extraction and distribution of salt from this pink lake.───依湖而居的人们靠提炼和售卖玫瑰湖中的盐为生。
2、Once every three or four years, when conditions are right, the lake is covered with the pink birds as they stop flight to breed.───每三到四年,当条件合适的时候,湖面就会被粉红色的鸟覆盖,因为它们会停止飞行以繁殖。
3、The photos show the hungry predator chasing the fleeing pink birds on a lake and plucking one unlucky bird straight from the air as it desperately tries to take flight.───画面显示,一只饥饿的土狼在湖面上奋力追逐一群粉红色的火烈鸟,将一只试图飞起来的火烈鸟从空中拽下。
4、Surrounded by a thin ring of sand and an expansive forest of paperbark and eucalyptus trees, the rosy pink lake punctuates a stunning landscape.───玫瑰粉色的湖泊被细细的环形沙和DaPian千层树和桉树所包围,其景相当壮观。
pink lake(意思翻译)
pink lake(相似词语短语)
1、the lake───湖泊
2、rutile lake───金红石湖
3、lake paradise───天堂湖
4、darien lake───达里安湖
5、ice lake───冰湖
7、crater lake───n.火山口形成的深湖
9、tiberias lake───太巴列湖(巴勒斯坦的一个湖泊)
pink lake(双语使用场景)
1、People living on the banks of this lake earn money from extraction and distribution of salt from this pink lake.───依湖而居的人们靠提炼和售卖玫瑰湖中的盐为生。
2、Once every three or four years, when conditions are right, the lake is covered with the pink birds as they stop flight to breed.───每三到四年,当条件合适的时候,湖面就会被粉红色的鸟覆盖,因为它们会停止飞行以繁殖。
3、The photos show the hungry predator chasing the fleeing pink birds on a lake and plucking one unlucky bird straight from the air as it desperately tries to take flight.───画面显示,一只饥饿的土狼在湖面上奋力追逐一群粉红色的火烈鸟,将一只试图飞起来的火烈鸟从空中拽下。
4、Surrounded by a thin ring of sand and an expansive forest of paperbark and eucalyptus trees, the rosy pink lake punctuates a stunning landscape.───玫瑰粉色的湖泊被细细的环形沙和DaPian千层树和桉树所包围,其景相当壮观。