1、cabinet secretary, Gus O'Donnell, who is heading the internal inquiry to the Fox affair was due to publish his report next week.───福克斯事件进行内部调查的内阁大臣古斯·欧唐尼应当在下周公开他的报告。
2、Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Vicente Fox.───下星期他将在佛罗里达同维森特·福克斯总统作磋商。
3、The next day, Fox issued a press release saying the show had sold out in 24 hours.───第二天,福克斯公司发布新闻稿称该演出门票已在24小时内卖空。
next fox(意思翻译)
next fox(相似词语短语)
2、fox sport───福克斯体育
3、play fox───耍狡猾
4、corsac fox───沙狐
5、amaryllis fox───石蒜
6、in fox───在福克斯
7、baby fox───小狐狸
9、one fox───一只狐狸
next fox(双语使用场景)
1、cabinet secretary, Gus O'Donnell, who is heading the internal inquiry to the Fox affair was due to publish his report next week.───福克斯事件进行内部调查的内阁大臣古斯·欧唐尼应当在下周公开他的报告。
2、Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Vicente Fox.───下星期他将在佛罗里达同维森特·福克斯总统作磋商。
3、The next day, Fox issued a press release saying the show had sold out in 24 hours.───第二天,福克斯公司发布新闻稿称该演出门票已在24小时内卖空。