1、least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.───至少,它让我们从轻易致富和拥有更大房子的狂热梦想中醒来,并为一个不计后果的个人消费时代画上了一个必然的句号。
2、We think Don Quixote would appreciate the almost painful beauty of this song, sorrowful fever dream music for his lonely adventuring.───我们认为堂吉诃德会体会这首歌所表现的几乎痛苦忧伤的美,为他孤独的冒险之旅而谱写的悲伤狂热的音乐。
3、Those five days were increasingly like a fever dream.───这5天越来越像是一个令人狂热的梦。
4、The story is like a fever dream that a disturbed and imaginative city-dweller might have after binging on comics.───这故事象是一群失去控制的、富于想象力的城市居民在放纵嘻闹之后做的狂热之梦。
fever dream(意思翻译)
热夜之梦 (Fever Dream)
fever dream(相似词语短语)
1、fever blister───热病疱疹;热病性疱疹
2、tulip fever───郁金香热
4、bieber fever───比伯热
5、swine fever───猪瘟疫(等于hogcholera)
6、fever trees───疟疾树
7、zymotic fever───发酵热
8、cooking fever───烹调热
9、spotted fever───落基山热;n.斑疹热
fever dream(双语使用场景)
1、least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.───至少,它让我们从轻易致富和拥有更大房子的狂热梦想中醒来,并为一个不计后果的个人消费时代画上了一个必然的句号。
2、We think Don Quixote would appreciate the almost painful beauty of this song, sorrowful fever dream music for his lonely adventuring.───我们认为堂吉诃德会体会这首歌所表现的几乎痛苦忧伤的美,为他孤独的冒险之旅而谱写的悲伤狂热的音乐。
3、Those five days were increasingly like a fever dream.───这5天越来越像是一个令人狂热的梦。
4、The story is like a fever dream that a disturbed and imaginative city-dweller might have after binging on comics.───这故事象是一群失去控制的、富于想象力的城市居民在放纵嘻闹之后做的狂热之梦。