1、He was--nay, probably may still be--a Bonapartist, and is called Noirtier;───他以前是——不,或许现在还是——一个拿破仑党人,他叫他的诺瓦蒂埃。
2、You think that IT was a good deed to kill my brother, who was a Bonapartist, because you are a royalist.───你以为ShaSi我哥哥是件好事,因为他是个拿破仑党,而你是一个保皇党!
3、Father, you have heard speak of a certain Bonapartist club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?───父亲,您听说过圣杰克司街有一个拿破仑党俱乐部吗?
4、The struggle against the Bonapartist bureaucracy is turning before our eyes into class struggle: two worlds, two programmes, two moralities.───反对波拿巴主义官僚的斗争在我们面前变成了阶级斗争:两个世界,两种纲领,两种道德。
5、Some good old Bonapartist soldiers, who had retired to the village, went to see this creature with great devotion.───村里有几个善良的退伍老军人,波拿巴的旧部,走往看了那只鸟,恋主之情油然而起。
6、as much of a Bonapartist as the eagle.───一个象鹰那样精悍的拿破仑信徒。
1、Edmond Dant è s. An inveterate Bonapartist ; took an active part in the return from the Island of Elba.
2、For the bureaucracy itself, Marx noted how a Bonapartist regime virtually eliminated the risk of public scrutiny and criticism.
2、young artist───年轻艺术家
6、body artist───RenTiYiShu;身体艺术(bodyart的变形)
7、con artist───骗子;以花言巧语骗人的人;过上了舒适懒散生活的人
8、bunco artist───职业骗子
1、He was--nay, probably may still be--a Bonapartist, and is called Noirtier;───他以前是——不,或许现在还是——一个拿破仑党人,他叫他的诺瓦蒂埃。
2、You think that IT was a good deed to kill my brother, who was a Bonapartist, because you are a royalist.───你以为ShaSi我哥哥是件好事,因为他是个拿破仑党,而你是一个保皇党!
3、Father, you have heard speak of a certain Bonapartist club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?───父亲,您听说过圣杰克司街有一个拿破仑党俱乐部吗?
4、The struggle against the Bonapartist bureaucracy is turning before our eyes into class struggle: two worlds, two programmes, two moralities.───反对波拿巴主义官僚的斗争在我们面前变成了阶级斗争:两个世界,两种纲领,两种道德。
5、Some good old Bonapartist soldiers, who had retired to the village, went to see this creature with great devotion.───村里有几个善良的退伍老军人,波拿巴的旧部,走往看了那只鸟,恋主之情油然而起。
6、as much of a Bonapartist as the eagle.───一个象鹰那样精悍的拿破仑信徒。
1、Edmond Dant è s. An inveterate Bonapartist ; took an active part in the return from the Island of Elba.
2、For the bureaucracy itself, Marx noted how a Bonapartist regime virtually eliminated the risk of public scrutiny and criticism.