1、Color is white, may have shadings of buff, cream or apricot around the ears or on the body.───颜色为白色,在耳朵周围或身躯上有浅黄色、奶酪色或杏色阴影。
2、Generally speaking, there are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy.───一般而言,透过社会等级透析出许多细微的身份区别。
3、The 1909 Lullaby is rooted in romantic tradition, but revealing modal shadings and a folk-like quality, as heard in pentatonic melody.───在1909年写成的《摇篮曲》是根源于浪漫主义传统的,但是显露出了形态的细微变化和民歌式的特质,好像五声旋律。
4、Emerson Great books are weighed and measured by their style and matter, and not by the trimmings and shadings of their grammar.───伟大著作是由其风格和内容来衡量的,而不是其语法的修饰和多变。
5、It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences.───它以无数的微妙差异和不同,表达任何一种这样的情绪,或其它许多情绪。
6、There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy.───在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身分区别。
7、He also has taken an interest in the center's rainwater collection system and window shadings that reduce air conditioning costs.───他还感兴趣于这个中心的雨水蓄积XiTong以及有助于减低空调费用的窗帘。
8、It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences.───它表达任何一种这样的情绪,或许多其它的情绪,以无数的微妙的细微差异和不同。
9、They respond only to quantitative changes of dynamics and not to different shadings of touch , to the reflexes of the performer .───这种声音只是在强弱上有一定量的变化,不是弹奏修饰手法的改变,不是表演者自己意愿的反映。
1、But her narrative acquires its greatest complexity and most ironic shadings when dealing with these violent events.
2、There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy.
3、Tissue cells and bacteria are semi-transparent—light penetrating through cells causes shadings and reveals texture.
4、Basic design system: basic specifications of design of signs, standard colors, combination specifications of signs, aided patterns of signs or shadings, etc.
5、He didn't understand the subtle shadings of legal language.
1、dappled shade───荫地
2、professions in shadowlands───暗地职业
3、darting shadow rs3───飞镖影rs3
4、shading pencils───着色铅笔
5、shadow play───n.皮影戏;皮影戏,影子戏
6、shad helmstetter───沙赫·赫尔姆施泰特
7、shady brook farms───荫溪农场
8、overshadowed by───......在......下黯然失色(overshadowed为overshadow的过去分词);......被......所遮蔽(overshadowed为overshadow的过去分词)
9、shadowing resume───跟踪简历
10、nightshade berry───茄果
1、Color is white, may have shadings of buff, cream or apricot around the ears or on the body.───颜色为白色,在耳朵周围或身躯上有浅黄色、奶酪色或杏色阴影。
2、Generally speaking, there are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy.───一般而言,透过社会等级透析出许多细微的身份区别。
3、The 1909 Lullaby is rooted in romantic tradition, but revealing modal shadings and a folk-like quality, as heard in pentatonic melody.───在1909年写成的《摇篮曲》是根源于浪漫主义传统的,但是显露出了形态的细微变化和民歌式的特质,好像五声旋律。
4、Emerson Great books are weighed and measured by their style and matter, and not by the trimmings and shadings of their grammar.───伟大著作是由其风格和内容来衡量的,而不是其语法的修饰和多变。
5、It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences.───它以无数的微妙差异和不同,表达任何一种这样的情绪,或其它许多情绪。
6、There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy.───在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身分区别。
7、He also has taken an interest in the center's rainwater collection system and window shadings that reduce air conditioning costs.───他还感兴趣于这个中心的雨水蓄积XiTong以及有助于减低空调费用的窗帘。
8、It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences.───它表达任何一种这样的情绪,或许多其它的情绪,以无数的微妙的细微差异和不同。
9、They respond only to quantitative changes of dynamics and not to different shadings of touch , to the reflexes of the performer .───这种声音只是在强弱上有一定量的变化,不是弹奏修饰手法的改变,不是表演者自己意愿的反映。
1、But her narrative acquires its greatest complexity and most ironic shadings when dealing with these violent events.
2、There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy.
3、Tissue cells and bacteria are semi-transparent—light penetrating through cells causes shadings and reveals texture.
4、Basic design system: basic specifications of design of signs, standard colors, combination specifications of signs, aided patterns of signs or shadings, etc.
5、He didn't understand the subtle shadings of legal language.