1、The collapse of Soviet communism was a glorious moment. It remains so, despite mistakes and disappointments along the way.───苏联GongChan主义的垮台是一个荣耀的时刻,现在仍然如此,尽管一路上犯过各种错误,也有过失望。
2、Anyway the dream was for me a glorious moment.───无论如何,这场梦对我来讲是极为快乐的片刻。
3、This is a glorious moment to be an economist.───现在是经济学家的辉煌时刻。
4、the end he is happily reunited with his maternal parent in a glorious moment of recognition.───是我妈妈吗?”最后,终于开心地和妈妈团聚了。
5、We will always remember July 20, 1969, as a glorious moment, when humanity stood on the brink of an exciting new era.───我们永远无法忘记1969年7月20日,那是一个光辉的时刻,人类当时差点走进一个令人兴奋的新时代。
6、I let you fondle my chest, and it was a glorious moment for you unmatched by anything you've experienced, including cake.───我让你摸了我的胸,这是你人生最辉煌的一刻,跟你以前的体验的确没法比,连蛋糕都没门儿。
7、In this both opportunities and challenges of the times, and the dream of a glorious moment of inspired us.───在这个机遇与挑战并存的时代,梦想与光荣时刻激励着我们。
8、anyway, things have moved on from that glorious moment of innocence when it waspossible, just, to imagine a world order recast in Europe's postmodern image.───无论如何,形势已经发生变化,不再是那个刚刚可以想象一种按照后现代欧洲形象塑造的世界秩序的光荣时刻。 。
a glorious moment(意思翻译)
a glorious moment(相似词语短语)
1、a moment ago───刚才,片刻之前;刚才; 将才
2、take a moment───v.花一些时间
3、like a moment───就像一瞬间
4、at a moment───一会儿
6、glorious days───精彩日子
8、have a moment───请稍等
9、in a moment───一会儿,立刻,马上; 须臾之间; 眼看; 弹指之间
a glorious moment(双语使用场景)
1、The collapse of Soviet communism was a glorious moment. It remains so, despite mistakes and disappointments along the way.───苏联GongChan主义的垮台是一个荣耀的时刻,现在仍然如此,尽管一路上犯过各种错误,也有过失望。
2、Anyway the dream was for me a glorious moment.───无论如何,这场梦对我来讲是极为快乐的片刻。
3、This is a glorious moment to be an economist.───现在是经济学家的辉煌时刻。
4、the end he is happily reunited with his maternal parent in a glorious moment of recognition.───是我妈妈吗?”最后,终于开心地和妈妈团聚了。
5、We will always remember July 20, 1969, as a glorious moment, when humanity stood on the brink of an exciting new era.───我们永远无法忘记1969年7月20日,那是一个光辉的时刻,人类当时差点走进一个令人兴奋的新时代。
6、I let you fondle my chest, and it was a glorious moment for you unmatched by anything you've experienced, including cake.───我让你摸了我的胸,这是你人生最辉煌的一刻,跟你以前的体验的确没法比,连蛋糕都没门儿。
7、In this both opportunities and challenges of the times, and the dream of a glorious moment of inspired us.───在这个机遇与挑战并存的时代,梦想与光荣时刻激励着我们。
8、anyway, things have moved on from that glorious moment of innocence when it waspossible, just, to imagine a world order recast in Europe's postmodern image.───无论如何,形势已经发生变化,不再是那个刚刚可以想象一种按照后现代欧洲形象塑造的世界秩序的光荣时刻。 。