1、White House budget chief Jacob Lew said Sunday the proposal would cut the deficit in half by the end of Mr. Obama's first term in 2013.───白宫预算办公室主任雅各布.卢星期日说,这项议案将在奥巴MaDe第一个任期在2013年结束前削减一半的赤字。
2、So in voting for the House budget plan, Republicans voted to end Medicare.───因此,共和党人投票支持众议院预算计划,就是投票支持终结老年医保。
3、White House budget officials have already scaled back estimates of how much money they might need to keep the financial system afloat.───白宫负责预算的官员已经按比例的缩减了对于他们可能需要多少钱才能免于经济困难的估计。
4、White House budget director Peter Orszag told U. S. lawmakers Tuesday that investing in health care is key to creating economic growth.───美国白宫预算办公室主任欧尔萨格星期二在国会表示,对医疗保健的投资是创造经济增长的关键。
5、On its Web site, the White House Budget Office says the program to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments.───美国白宫预算办公室在网站上说,此次宇航员登月计划进度落后于原定计划,耗资超出预算开支,并且从全局的角度来看,没有其他的空间计划重要。
6、Mr Lew, a former White House budget director, helped Mrs Clinton win a 10% budget increase for the department.───卢先生则是前白宫预算主任,曾助希拉里为GuoWuYuan预算提升了10个百分点。
7、Peter Orszag, the White House budget director, said there were "no plans" to ask for more funds.───白宫管理和预算办公室主任彼得-奥扎格 (Peter Orszag)表示,目前“没有”要求更多资金的计划。
8、Jack Lew, the new White House budget director, says controversial initiatives have to be bipartisan.───白宫新的预算主任JackLew称,有争议的提议必须由两党共同提出。
9、The White House budget is a disaster.───白宫的财政预算可说是场灾难。
house budget(英语使用场景)
1、Unions and retiree groups insist they have it on good authority that the White House budget is unfriendly to feds and retirees.
2、At one point, White House budget director Jack Lew stormed out of a meeting, stranding talks.
3、Ryan, the incoming House budget chief, said he will seek spending concessions from the Obama administration in exchange for any increase in the national debt ceiling.
4、Officials of the Energy Department's loan office and the White House budget office defended their decisions, which they said were carefully reviewed and not politically inspired.
5、Congressman Bill Thomas , a California Republican, is chairman of the House Budget Committee.
6、The boycott was sufficient to force both to testify before a special session of the lower house budget committee on Feb. 25.
7、The White House budget office on Tuesday lowered its estimate for this year's federal deficit.
8、Barack Obama yesterday introduced his new White House budget director, Peter Orszag, vowing to conduct a line by line review of the federal fisc.
9、House Budget Committee Chairman Democratic Representative John Spratt is quoted as deriding President Bush's dismal legacy in fiscal matters, converting record surpluses into record deficits.
house budget(意思翻译)
house budget(相似词语短语)
1、revised budget───修定后的预算; 修定后预算
2、operating budget───业务预算,活动经费预算,营业收支预算;[会计]营业预算;[会计]活动经费预算;[会计]业务收支预算
3、budget hotel───经济型酒店
4、budget for───为…作预算
5、budget day───预算日
6、budget year───[财政]预算年度
7、balanced budget───[财政]平衡预算;平衡预算; 收支平衡
8、annual budget───n.[财政]年度预算
9、budget mom───预算mom
house budget(双语使用场景)
1、White House budget chief Jacob Lew said Sunday the proposal would cut the deficit in half by the end of Mr. Obama's first term in 2013.───白宫预算办公室主任雅各布.卢星期日说,这项议案将在奥巴MaDe第一个任期在2013年结束前削减一半的赤字。
2、So in voting for the House budget plan, Republicans voted to end Medicare.───因此,共和党人投票支持众议院预算计划,就是投票支持终结老年医保。
3、White House budget officials have already scaled back estimates of how much money they might need to keep the financial system afloat.───白宫负责预算的官员已经按比例的缩减了对于他们可能需要多少钱才能免于经济困难的估计。
4、White House budget director Peter Orszag told U. S. lawmakers Tuesday that investing in health care is key to creating economic growth.───美国白宫预算办公室主任欧尔萨格星期二在国会表示,对医疗保健的投资是创造经济增长的关键。
5、On its Web site, the White House Budget Office says the program to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments.───美国白宫预算办公室在网站上说,此次宇航员登月计划进度落后于原定计划,耗资超出预算开支,并且从全局的角度来看,没有其他的空间计划重要。
6、Mr Lew, a former White House budget director, helped Mrs Clinton win a 10% budget increase for the department.───卢先生则是前白宫预算主任,曾助希拉里为GuoWuYuan预算提升了10个百分点。
7、Peter Orszag, the White House budget director, said there were "no plans" to ask for more funds.───白宫管理和预算办公室主任彼得-奥扎格 (Peter Orszag)表示,目前“没有”要求更多资金的计划。
8、Jack Lew, the new White House budget director, says controversial initiatives have to be bipartisan.───白宫新的预算主任JackLew称,有争议的提议必须由两党共同提出。
9、The White House budget is a disaster.───白宫的财政预算可说是场灾难。
house budget(英语使用场景)
1、Unions and retiree groups insist they have it on good authority that the White House budget is unfriendly to feds and retirees.
2、At one point, White House budget director Jack Lew stormed out of a meeting, stranding talks.
3、Ryan, the incoming House budget chief, said he will seek spending concessions from the Obama administration in exchange for any increase in the national debt ceiling.
4、Officials of the Energy Department's loan office and the White House budget office defended their decisions, which they said were carefully reviewed and not politically inspired.
5、Congressman Bill Thomas , a California Republican, is chairman of the House Budget Committee.
6、The boycott was sufficient to force both to testify before a special session of the lower house budget committee on Feb. 25.
7、The White House budget office on Tuesday lowered its estimate for this year's federal deficit.
8、Barack Obama yesterday introduced his new White House budget director, Peter Orszag, vowing to conduct a line by line review of the federal fisc.
9、House Budget Committee Chairman Democratic Representative John Spratt is quoted as deriding President Bush's dismal legacy in fiscal matters, converting record surpluses into record deficits.